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i thought we switched to CEOs, disappointing
Yeah, I’d much rather a rich croney die than a bunch of kids. Psycho killers - you’re doing it wrong!
Psycho Killer
Qu’est-ce que c’est?
Fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fuuuuuuuuck this timeline
It’s a song.
To anyone downvoting this. It’s meta humour and its spot on.
yeah and why are the ceo’s only one at a time. kinda unfair.
It was a student. The school looks to be K-12, so could be just about any age. Most kids don’t pay much attention to the news, too focused on their own daily lives and situations to look outwards yet (and some, never).
This it right in my community. :(
Our congressman Mark Pocan summed things up well, “Support better gun laws or stay out. Thought & prayers are useless. Action!”
By the way OP its been corrected to three, maybe update title.
thanks. unfortunately it’s been said before: if sandy hook didn’t change anything, then nothing will
Most people would pick the “stay out” option.
Isn’t murder already illegal? Why would a killer care if they’re also breaking some newly made law? I never understood this logic.
I never understood
It’s already illegal to break traffic laws, why do I need a license?
Tens of thousands of people drive cars without a license every day. Thanks for solidifying my point.
So you think driving in America would be objectively safer without the licensing system?
No not at all. I’m saying despite that, there’s still nothing stopping someone from taking a car or a gun and killing someone with it.
Edit: Downvoting this comment won’t make it untrue. There’s an example in the very article you just read.
by the “LaWs DoNt StoP cRiMiNaLs” logic, then we don’t need any laws at all, because whoever wants to is going to break them anyway. oh but of course the same chuds bleating this nonsense are also fighting tooth and nail to ram through bathroom laws. “only harming law abiding citizens” indeed
Don’t lump me in with the trumptards. I voted Harris. I’m just stating facts.
I have no doubt “the good christian” parents would have passed any gun laws or background checks you could throw at them.
That little girl needed better parenting, mental healthcare and to not find a gun laying around.
What new enforceable law could have prevented this?
Do you think there’d be more or fewer accidental deaths on our roads without the licensing system?
Our current licensing system is a joke but I agree it helps. Cars and guns should require some demonstration of competence with those things.
Those poor kids only knew indoctrination, then death. What a shame. I wonder how many of their Christian parents voted for this reality. How many more will play a part in their own kids deaths?
Abundant Life Christian School officials asked for prayers on Facebook.
Made me actually lol
They should really not entitle it “LIVE: 5 dead”.
Also, the cruel irony of this being the “abundant life” school.
I guess it was too abundant.
Overabundant even!
Weird, shocker, complete mystery, total enigma; very puzzling, baffling, inexplicable, a “head-scratcher” as the hooligans say; indecipherable, unanswerable, consign it to oblivion and endeavor never to speak of this quandary again.
I don’t think the thoughts and prayers are working.
Think and pray harder! We’re not doing it hard enough. Think and pray like you are fucking a nasty bitch.
No time to think, just get on your knees like the pastor’s favorite altar boy.
The Blockchain and AI will help, just wait
“God‘s plan“
Best we can do is “Thoughts and Prayers” because the American people decided this on November 5th.
This was settled after Sandy Hook. Nothing will ever be bad enough.
I mean CT got some pretty aggressive gun laws and I am not aware of another mass shooting there since.
Jesus didn’t protect the Jesus school? Not a very reliable god.
"Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?" - Epicurus
You just need the first two lines to understand Christians. They only respect their own wrathful God, their religion is fear and control and it’s the only thing they understand.
Something something testing us, Job, money in the banana hammock
New Testament really sold out.
Something like this would have paused and galvanized the entire U.S. 20 years ago.
I wonder if this will even be mentioned in tomorrows news.
People already making jokes, we’ve truly lost all hope.
Someone shoots a school, the press talks about it for a day. Someone shoots a rando, the press doesn’t even mention it. Someone shoots a CEO, the press talks about it for weeks.
i’m wondering if the republicans who wore “solidarity ear bandages” when trump was attacked will be wearing solidarity body bags for these dead children
Of course not. Children don’t vote. Their PAC is a frickin joke!
Spoiler alert: no
20 years ago was 2004. Columbine was five years before that. And school shootings have been happening even longer: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mass_shootings_in_the_United_States
20 years ago congress let the Federal Assault Weapons Ban sunset (end without renewal).
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal_Assault_Weapons_Ban that was AFTER Columbine.
BUT! That legislation was brought about thanks to an earlier school shooting, in 1989.
I mean, that’s just not true, as history shows. Things like this have been happening for well more than 20 years and we did then, as we continue to do now, precisely jack-shit about it.
deleted by creator
Kids need to understand that CEOs are the root of most of their problems - not their teachers and peers.
Well based on the name, the teacher was a Christian groomer working to permanently damage the critical thinking skills and morality of children for years in the process of indoctrinating them into their cult.
Agreed on the other student, no excuse for that.
This is like the 40th school shooting this year. Are any of the victims a CEO cause I think we’re only supposed to care about CEOs.
tHouGhtS aNd pRaYerS
They literally asked for prayers. It was vomit inducing
If they would only pray for politicians finally getting a clue.
This breaks my heart, everytime I see this. Fuck the 2nd. Get gun control and also go after the root cause of this. I’m sorry Americans. This is horrible.
No gun control. Only prayers. The school requested it.
I’m so tired of reading headlines like that.
Assuming the root cause of this is a lack of proper (mental) healthcare, it appears we’ll need the 2nd to achieve that.
Access to mental health care is a big part of it yes
US mass shooting statistics in 2024:
- 563 mass shootings
- 650+ killed
- 2250+ wounded
This includes:
- 82 school shootings (27 in colleges, 55 on K-12 school campuses)
- 42 students/teachers dead
- 115+ wounded
(Sources: Gun Violence Archive, Education Week & Everytown for Gun Safety)
Cops kill over 1,000 people per year in the US.