• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • He doesn’t need to kill them. Take all their personal property using eminent domain, sell all their office space in D.C. and close the court buildings where they operate. Leave them running SCOTUS out of a store front in a strip mall in the most crime ridden part of D.C. He could even use extraordinary rendition (Thanks Dubya) to nab their families and hold them in black sites in foreign countries. There are any number of non-lethal official acts that he can use to make their lives a living hell until they consent to make the changes we need to keep this country safe from fascism. When your enemy hands you a gun, use it.

  • No. There aren’t any other issues they can deal with. The Democratic representatives can write any number of bills that, if passed, would help people, industry, climate , or anything else. The problem is, anything the Democrats propose would be reflexively shat on by the Republican majority and never pass. The Democrats could probably write an American version of the Kill the Gays bill and the House Republicans would still vote it down just to keep Biden from having a win.

    The only positive thing the Democratic majority can do is force the Republicans to show their true colors by making them vote to support this hideous Ugandan law.

  • More than that. They poured money and propaganda into Uganda to convince them that their problems are all because of gay people.

    American evangelical groups have since spent years and tens of millions of dollars spreading homophobia in Uganda and beyond. Data from OpenDemocracy shows that from 2007 to 2020, over 20 US evangelical groups spent at least $54 million in Africa “to influence laws, policies, and public opinion against sexual and reproductive rights." Nearly half of that figure was spent in Uganda.

    This movement quickly gained traction in 2009 after top American evangelical leaders headlined a three-day conference in Kampala on “exposing the homosexuals’ agenda.” Speakers promoted the notion that the “traditional” Ugandan family is exclusively heterosexual, claiming that gay Westerners and activists are attempting to spread homosexuality by corrupting and recruiting children around the world.

  • He stole more than that. From the linked article:

    They included a volleyball facility that cost more than $5 million at the University of Southern Mississippi, a project championed by former NFL football star Brett Favre, whose daughter happened to be on the volleyball team there.

    Favre, who has not been charged, also received $1.1 million for purported promotional efforts. And a drug company in which he owned stock, Prevacus, received $2.1 million, according to public records. Favre lobbied the governor to help secure the money, according to text messages obtained by Mississippi Today.

    “It’s 3rd and long and we need you to make it happen!!” Favre texted Bryant on Dec. 26, 2018. Bryant replied, “I will open a hole.”

    That’s $8.2 million by my reckoning.