This is going to be fun watching over the next four years. LOL. You just gotta laugh.
I’ve noticed lately around me too that “conservatives” will pull out a cig and start smoking it (as a “defense” mode or something…or maybe because I have a mask) & it feels like it’s to take a side in some kind of “culture war”. Killing themselves to “own the libs”. Brilliant.
That’s also really weird because when I was growing up cigs and coffee, at the same time, was like an inner city liberal stereotype.
They complain so much even when they have exactly what they claim they wanted. They wanted raw milk, they got it. But somehow all the non-raw milk drinkers are “ruining” something for them? Weird.
Deep insecurity.
They see others doing the right thing & that makes them doubt their entire “purpose” or world view.
Death cult
Far righters just love to suck those cow pink tities and pretend like they are not furry
Maybe we can speed the process up by convincing them to eat raw chicken, too.
Chicken sashimi is a delicacy in Japan, and so easy to prep at home! Just leave your chicken breast out until it assumes room temperature, slice into thin strips, and serve over rice or with seaweed!
The best way to consume raw chicken is in cocktail form, specifically the pollo colada. It’s like a piña colada, except you substitute raw chicken for the pineapple.
libs want to ban raw chicken smoothies
Mama’s Coconut Chicken
Oh god, I fucked myself up with some drunkenly not-grilled-right chicken a couple weeks ago, still not in the mood for chicken lol.
The cheap illegal labor working on the large MAGAt supporting dairy farms will deliver the raw milk.
Darwin award 👍
Combined with H5N1… thy won’t be missed.
I grew up on a dairy farm and milked cows every day. We never bought “store” milk to drink. It always came from the tank every morning. We also made and ate foods that would cause you urbanites blanch and faint if you only knew, (I miss the home made blood sausage and canned beef my Grandmothers made). It’s not a death sentence like many of you seem to think. But, for commercial store bought milk, it IS imperative that the milk is pasteurized for consumer safety. That milk might be a week or two old before it reaches your refrigerator in the Big City/Suburbs/Gentrified neighborhood.
I doubt if drinking raw milk will become common place amongst magahats. It tastes NOTHING like what they or you are used to. It’s a whole different thing. And the vast majority of you would hate the taste of it and refuse to drink it. And the first time someone gets the shits from drinking it, they will try and sue the dairy they bought the milk from. And that won’t end well.
In Europe they seem to not have the same fear/issues with the sale or consumption of “raw dairy” that we do here in the US. Perhaps they are smarter about such things.
“That woke dairy farm didn’t take all the pasture outta the milk before they put it in the cartons! Everyone’s getting sick because they’re not depasteurizing the milk enough!” - my qanon neighbour, probably
The cream from the top is the best.
I for one welcome the new natural selection process. Can we do more of these?
“only eat mushrooms with redcaps for a week to detox your body” “building up infection immunity by sitting in an ice bath of shit”
At least with this one they’re only killing themselves and their own kids.
No annon! That’s eugenics!
It’s only eugenics if it’s done to a population. If they do it to themselves it’s natural selection.
If they do it to their kids it’s
murdernot being infected with the woke mind virus
Because it’s the dumbest fucking thing they could do that doesn’t show immediate harm to them in the short-term.
I’m sure it’s usually ok. That’s kind of the problem: if they only get sick 1 in 10 times, for example, they won’t connect the two enough to learn their lesson. Humans are dumb that way, and looking at prevalence of disease in the population is apparently now “woke liberal bs”
It’s obvious why they’re suddenly obsessed with Raw Milk. It’s the same reason they were suddenly Anti-Vax, anti-Mask, and anti-plague-control.
Democrats said a thing, Republicans immediately reply with the opposite.
Democrats said Vaccines prevent disease, Republicans declared vaccines are poison. Democrats said wearing a mask can reduce the transmission of airborne pathogens, Republicans said masks will kill you and are illegal now. Democrats said “Don’t drink raw milk, it can transmit deadly diseases.” Republicans declare “You can take the raw milk from my cold dead hands.”
I honestly expect that if Democrats released a PSA against jumping off cliffs onto jagged rocks, because the fall could be dangerous, Republicans would immediately start taking picture standing on the edges of cliffs with the caption of “Don’t tell me what to do.”
You forgot the one about gas stoves in homes.
To be fair, there are so many examples of this lately, it’s impossible to keep track of them all.
I said it a million times, if Obama simply came out in favor of lowering the minimum wage then we’d all have six figure salaries.
Humans are famously garbage at comprehending statistics, and most Darwin Award winning conservative behaviors are born of it.
Take any mundane thing that was part of a status quo of a previous era in recent memory. Anything at all. Research comes out suggesting that thing has a small, but non-negligible risk to be quite harmful. So we collectively shift to a new behavior that tries to eliminate the risk. A shift that, in most sane and civil peoples’ opinions, is so unobtrusively small that any theoretical benefit we’re trading away is probably well worth the risk elimination.
But oh, a certain group of people will bitch and moan and scream and piss all over themselves in rage over how you dared to take away something so integral to their culture and lifestyle! The risk aversion is never worth the vain fringe benefit of whatever perceived quality was lost because the risk is completely invisible until it actually hits them personally.
Milk used to taste so great! God’s gift to the world! Then we all started boiling it and now it tastes worse! And for what? Because a couple of weak-bodied cosmic lottery losers were getting a few tummy aches? The vast majority of us are all suffering over nothing! Life was so much better when we weren’t all scared of things that won’t happen! We did it for millennia and we turned out just fine!
Then you point out all the people actually getting hospitalized from pathogens in raw milk, the very thing we were trying to avoid in the first place, and if they even believe you at all they simply consider it an acceptable price to pay. Better to live in a rich and interesting society where you’re free to risk harming yourself and others than a milquetoast one where imperceptible threats have been preemptively eliminated at great cost.
And then they turn around and work to ban books that mention trans people or ban porn websites to save the children or some other dumb shit.
Yeah back in the 2000s my permaculture/crunchy granola/woo woo/socially conservative/Catholic friend liked raw milk because of the health benefits, live cultures, etc., and believed that it was worth the risk that someone, somewhere, might get sick. But he’d be ok though because he knew and trusted His Farm.
I didn’t agree with him but I was tempted.
Imo if something can’t be regulated to within acceptable risk, it’s probably too dangerous.
That’s why Alex Honnold can go free solo a cliff because he’s only risking himself and his family’s future without him, but selling raw milk puts a lot more people at risk.
I would. My Dad grew up on a dairy farm and drank milk out of the cow that morning - if I see upon a farm, I’d certainly try it
Just like on a veggie farm (IPM, no pesticides) I tried carrots out of the ground, flowers off the stem, berries off the bush. It’s a really neat experience.
However I’d never make a habit out of it, nor try it when it’s not absolute fresh and I knew what was on it. The odds are ok if you do it once under known conditions, but like any other gambling, the house always wins
Imagine being so vapid that the extent of your understanding of the world boils down to just being contrarian.
It’s much easier than thinking.
Don’t get involved with people who enthusiastically shit on others’ ideas, while having none of their own. Can’t count how many times I’ve countered a complaint with “Ok, what would you do?” only to be met with those empty eyes that tell you there’s nothing happening behind them.
Some people just think conversation is defined as bitching.
I feel like most of the time they don’t even know the actual implications of what they’re saying, but are simply repeating the thing that they heard on the radio or Fox News. All they know is that the Democrats don’t like whatever it is, and that’s all that matters to them.
I mean, we could at least try releasing that PSA.
Maybe take baby steps first, like “you should never cross a street with heavy traffic”, “looking down the barrel of your gun is too dangerous” and “eating poop is nasty”
They think raw milk is natural, but would they still feel that way if they knew how selectively bred all dairy cows are at this point? The DNA of the dairy cow is where the milk manufacturing pipeline begins. We didn’t select for sanitary milk from the udder because we knew it could be pasturized later in the pipeline.
These people fundamentally don’t understand nature. We had cows for 8,000 years or so, we existed at least x200 that. So it’s 0.5% of our existance which means it’s a relatively new technology. Even if you appeal to naturalism here it makes absolute no sense.
We should have a weekly celebration where conservatives drink raw milk together. Just guzzle it all down you idiots.
Also binge drink alcohol & smoke all the cigarettes/put in all the dips (because anything that’s horrible for your health they love for some reason).
That will show everyone who chooses to smoke weed and exercise and eat vegetables.
That will get them good.
I hear it’s tastier with horse dewormer.
As someone who stopped drinking raw milk as soon as I became aware of the bird flu issue they have whatever happens to them coming. They’re incredibly goddamn stupid.
I just like non homogenized milk, it’s hard to find pasteurized. Nothing worth dying over ffs.
Your user name is perfect for this comment.