• CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    If so much wasn’t at stake, if someone told me I need to fall in line and support Harris as the heir apparent, part of me wants to just tell the party faithful to go fuck themselves with that kind of rhetoric.

    The truth of the matter is…the Republicans are just so much worse. But telling people they need to line up behind a Biden (or a Harris) is just so cloying. Yes, maybe once it’s time for the general, sure, because we don’t have ranked choice and we only have one option, ultimately. Yeah, vote blue no matter who, because the alternative is a dumpster fire.

    But this notion that it’s someone’s “turn” for reasons no one else cares about but these egotistical assholes when it comes to primaries - absurd. It’s even WORSE when they hide behind identity politics to state these same things. Why should someone that wants the best candidate they think can WIN in the general give a good flying leap about DEI selection processes? What about policies? If it’s an old cishet white guy (think Bernie) they can have some damn good policies in mind and that’s what matters, not the amount of melanin they have or their gender. Why should anyone have to stand by and mindlessly repeat Harris is the best choice, simply by virtue of her being a woman of color? It’s weirdly specific, too, because the same party machine seems to do everything to stab, say, AOC in the back, even though, imagine this - she’s a female POC as well.