I read this with Morgan Freeman voice and thoroughly enjoyed it.
FirstLastBirthyear and pw was ssn because I was trying to memorize it. Idiot.
I get to lay in a bed by myself, all of my life. It’s fantastic!
I remember my first time seeing someone use a Jabra bluetooth ear piece. 2003 in a college dorm, a girl was walking back and forth but her phone was probably in her hoodie. I was bewildered, wondering why she was talking aloud to herself.
It’s obscene for two lions to mate, but it’s biblical for Lot’s daughters to get him drunk and sleep with him to preserve the family line. Ok.
I clicked just to see. You’re absolutely right.
Electric toothbrush. When I don’t have it with me, brushing manually is such a chore. A device performs better than I do and I embrace it.
Prescription glasses. I remember getting to look at a tree with improved sight, and it was wonderful.
Air purifier. Has really helped my allergies.