Monday was Martin Luther King Jr. Day. It’s an annual holiday, where banks, schools, and other institutions are typically closed.
In other words, nazis overshadowed Martin Luther King Jr. on his own day.
In case you can’t tell, I’m passionate about rationality and critical thinking.
However, I still appreciate a freshly-baked π.
Monday was Martin Luther King Jr. Day. It’s an annual holiday, where banks, schools, and other institutions are typically closed.
In other words, nazis overshadowed Martin Luther King Jr. on his own day.
Yeah, that’s all true, but I’ve still got 500 things I need to spend money on before buying a Lexus. Ads for luxury cars are wasted on us poors.
I love your story. I overcome attempted nightmares in a very similar way.
I rarely get anything close to a nightmare nowadays, but I used to get dreams where someone/something would chase me. Then one night, I felt it was about to happen, and thought, “I’m so tired of this. You know what? I’m done.” And… the thing disappeared.
Ever since then, if any scary shit starts happening in a dream, I just tell it to fuck off. Sometimes that moment leads to a small bit of lucidity, and I go, “Oh hey, I can fly away.” Run, jump, take off, and it’s pleasant dreams from then on out.
The power of the mind is incredible.
Fun fact: the Greek word kakistos (meaning “worst”), from which the first part of kakistocracy derives, comes from the Proto-Indo European root *kakka- which means “to defecate.” Source: Etymonline
In other words, kakistocracy can be considered: Being governed by shit.
ETA another related fact.: the word cacophony (meaning “harsh or unpleasant discordance of sound”) also shares this root. It came to English via Latin, so the spelling is different, but the origin remains the same. Which is to say, a “cacophony” is a shitty sound.
Checks instance name
Story checks out.
Also, sorry the crap from our political cesspool keeps splashing across the border. :(
Maybe bronzer is the baptismal water that high-level cult members must be submerged in, before they can be confirmed?
Oh, I do not fault any of the travel nurses for taking that deal! If I were licensed for it, I would’ve done it too. (I had a different role in the nursing home, one that wasn’t “medical” but was essential for patients’ wellbeing. In other words, another poorly-paid, under-supported position.)
That reminds me of how during Covid, nursing homes relied on “travel nurses.” These were nurses contracted by an outside agency, sent to facilities to combat the so-called “nursing shortage.”
Thing is, the travel nurses were paid considerably more than the staff already hired by the facilities. So if you already worked at a place, you were still paid your dirt-low wage - no raises, no bonus, no hazard pay. Meanwhile, nurses who came in who didn’t know the facility, didn’t know the staff, and didn’t know the patients got paid a lot more. It was insulting and demoralizing for everyone who chose to stay working where they already were.
That is amazing. TIL!
So we can say that Bork borked things up?
There are certainly enough people who grew up with immense privilege who have no problem hurting other people. Are they traumatized? I mean, we can’t rule out the possibility.
On the other hand, have they been cushioned from the painful consequences their own actions have on others? Absolutely.
Seconded. If we oust Texas, we can regain control over the content in school textbooks.
People who want to flee can still be welcomed as refugees.
In that case, what time are you coming over? I just got a new e-vape and you would fit right in at our party.
Thank you for offering this perspective!
I’ve realized there are a lot of things that seem to exacerbate ADHD, or even trigger someone to lose focus. I remember when Twitter was new, and I slowly came to realize that people were inadvertently being trained to pay attention in smaller and smaller snippets. Then a decade later, we get TikTok, which is basically Twitter for videos.
A scroll of hundreds of small bits of novelty are being consumed and immediately discarded by millions of people a day. Writing more than a paragraph in some places leads to someone remarking, TL;DR. I understand having trouble focusing - almost every time I write a comment on here, it takes forever, at the least because whatever song is stuck repeating in my head is playing “louder” than the words I’m consciously trying to think of. I suppose I’m lucky to have grown up before the internet became an information-selling dopamine train.
The good news for those of us on Lemmy is, at least we’re in a “slower” environment here (at least, right now.) It’s a good step for someone trying to wean themselves off more rapid-fire social media. (Also, there are several ADHD communities here where people get it.)
One more thing that I realized through introspection - having a parent that instilled anxiety in you can absolutely increase ADHD behaviors. I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t be as hyper vigilant if it weren’t for my mom filling me with her own anxieties as a child. That hyper-vigilance means that no matter what I’m doing, I still have a strong awareness of my surroundings, and every little sound or light (or other stimulus) that stands out will distract me even further. I have friends that can truly zone out despite such things, and I remember being able to do that when I was little, but now I can barely relax enough to fall asleep. Ah well.
Remember when My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic became big?
I babysat kids at the time and ended up watching it a lot with them. I couldn’t help relating to the character Pinkie Pie. To most outside observers, she’s random as hell. But if you pay attention, she’s really thinking several steps ahead of the others. There was an episode where she clearly figured out a solution early on, but nobody else is on her level, so although she went about working toward the solution in the background, one could easily assume she was just dicking around. Then near the end, everything comes together. She knew the problem, she knew the solution, and now she’s there to save the day.
She is ADHD incarnate, complete with outside assumptions that underestimate her intelligence and abilities. But if you’ve also got a brain that jumps from topic-to-topic at a rapid pace, it can be easy to understand her “random” (not random at all) trains of thought.
Thank you. As I said, I was skeptical. I’m pretty sure I’d hate living there.
I mean, tonight I’ll be going out to dinner with both my boyfriend and my girlfriend, as well as all my coworkers. Everybody knows my lifestyle - I can be open in public, with my two favorite people, and know I’m safe and accepted.
I can’t imagine a single perk the Saudi government can give me that would be better than that.
It’s worth mentioning that Saudi Arabia is where Mecca is. Millions of people have a religious obligation to travel there at some point in their lives.
Would those perks be extended to most people, or only to a certain subset of people (ie straight, male, religious)? Like, would a bisexual, atheist woman receive the same perks? I get the impression that a lot of people still wouldn’t feel accepted there.
I’m genuinely curious. Your comment prompted me to do a little research. I found that Saudi Arabia has been making strides toward women’s equality in the past few years. It’s doing a lot better than it had been even just six years ago! At the same time, this thread exists, so… I’m skeptical that Saudi Arabia would have enough benefits to outweigh the restrictions that someone like myself would have to live with.
Who’s blowing whom?
From experience walking in long pants during June in Fort Lauderdale, legs can get bad. Sweat couldn’t evaporate, so the root of every hair on my legs got red, bumpy, and irritated. But I was working a job and had to dress according to their work code. I quit after less than a week. 0/0 do not recommend.