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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2023

  • Oh, so more like you are asking how actualized are your kinks? I think that is a good question. I spent a stupid long time waiting for my sexuality to evolve and turn into what I considered the ‘real’ adult woman sexuality, which involved getting off on taking charge. Like, even though my very earliest sexual fantasies were about being forced (not even sexually, necessarily) and never about anything except that power play stuff, I really truly thought I ought not want it, that it was some sort of unfinished or lazy thing. One day had a revelation that if any of my friends had some kink I’d be so accepting of them, never ever would I think they needed to change, so tried to give myself the same consideration, and am much more in alignment now. So in the scale of acceptance, maybe 8 or so. But I do not agree that everyone ‘vanilla’ is repressing hidden depths of perversity. I think many, probably most people really aren’t. Even those with a healthy sex drive. And no way does everyone have the same levels of general need, it took me 40 years to find a guy who runs as hot as me, get it every day now for about 15 years :)

  • So you would put more people as kinky because you think most are repressing very dark shit? Maybe, but seems like most people I know kind of don’t care that much about sex, if that makes sense. If it’s more like violence that just sometimes finds a sexual outlet, is that even kinky?

    The 1-5 I’d put as:

    1 is asexual, do not even feel desire at all.

    2 the demisexual who can kinda enjoy it if you do but really are just doing it for someone else they wouldn’t bother for themselves.

    3 the people who have to be in love to feel sexual desire, they can be ‘unlocked’, basically, it’s just part of love to them. May actually do more variety of stuff but only for someone else, really do not feel independent sexual desire but love and sex entwined.

    4 I think of as the normal people who can enjoy sex as an activity, outside of a relationship just for physical pleasure but it doesn’t pull at them so hard, and they don’t want unusual stuff just sex. Probably don’t seek out sex specifically, but dates,

    5 the normal people who are more adventurous, and who get frustrated sooner, have a more active sex drive and will seek out sex partners, will go outside their comfort zone if a partner suggests it. Sexually active normal people I don’t think of as kinky.

    I just think probably a very large chunk of people just don’t prioritize sex or need anything very specific.

    1. I’ve done and enjoyed stuff I think most people haven’t, and a slap is still faster than a kiss and none of my fantasies are about plain sex, but I enjoy plain sex every day, and counting down I think that:

    10 is people who want something that will kill them or someone else.

    9 is people who want something that would land them in jail, or literal fetishists who get off on something that doesn’t include what most of us think of as sex, and only that.

    8 is people who need something other than plain sex or can enjoy things that most of us find too gross

    7 is people who identify mostly as their kink but can enjoy sex without it

    Which would leave me at 6. I think way more people are in the 1-5 group than the 6-10 group, it’s not an even distribution. If you are asking where I’d land in the general population of women, that would probably be a different answer.

  • I do think the other focused sex is possible (I get this with my husband because I don’t have to worry, it is balanced, I get back what I give) but likely not as much fun to watch - for me personally the power play stuff M/f does get me the quickest response, doesn’t even have to be explicitly sexual. Just the mismatch in physical attractiveness between the men and women is jarring enough to undo that response. Gay male porn has good looking guys and plenty of rough stuff but I don’t watch enough of any of it to know any names.

    That Venus, while she is not my niche, I do think plenty of guys (at least those I know) do still focus so much on T&A that they often don’t care much what is between them somehow, or actively prefer plush built women.

  • Hmm, in written erotica I can enjoy more masochistic stuff than I can enjoy in real life (I do enjoy some but too much will pull me out of the moment) but in videos pretty much enjoy what I do like, or have liked.

    Like Schimitar also said - I do also enjoy younger people in video, they are attractive on screen but not IRL, not even in looks do I find them sexually attractive, only good looking guys close to my age do that for me (though that ‘close to’ bubble is certainly wider than it was, it’s still not very big).