alt text: “the state of the animation industry”

“you’re pirating that show? don’t you wanna support the creators?” “I AM the creator.”

“haha the only way I can show future employers my work is to send a link to a bunch of pirated copies of it haha what a nightmare haha”

    7 months ago

    Except if you actually want to get any of those changes made you’ll run into a problem: money is power, and they wield that power to create artificial scarcity in order to make more profits. They also rely on keeping workers poor and disempowered so they can keep them subservient and make them agree to arrangements where they own none of their own work.

    The profit motive is directly implicated in this shitty behaviour, and every single time power has been taken from the capitalists it has been because the working class has mobilised and threatened their power, and they have been forced to release their grip a little bit.

    You may be right about what copyright should be for in a perfect world, but that doesn’t get results. Worker power does.