• Lauchs@lemmy.world
    9 months ago

    What do you dislike about that link? Are you literally complaining because the labour statistics aren’t in pretty infographics? The BLS is designed for those who most commonly use it and we need access to data sliced well, which it is.

    And for the six month, I recommend you look at the actual definition, which can be found here:


    It seems like you’re angry about your own misunderstanding of the definitions being used.

    • Maggoty@lemmy.world
      9 months ago

      No I’m angry they’ve put arbitrary limits on how they collect and give data. And over specifying is a form of obfuscation. You say you like tiny little slices pre made but any competent database query system will create any slice you want in seconds. Instead you’re reduced to searching for the basic information among thousands of these slices. Or trying to put each slice together to stitch the data together.

      This is not neglect, that would look like an abandoned data set or a data set with nothing but a 90’s query. This is not benevolence, that would look like the CDCs query system. This is by design. Someone made the system shitty for anyone who wants to work outside their pre-made crumbs of data. What you’re seeing isn’t someone who wants pretty little graphs. It’s someone who wants a million lines of data in a hundred tables with a query system that’s worth a damn.

      • Lauchs@lemmy.world
        9 months ago

        I’ve never had cause to play with the cdc data but from what I’m looking st in wisqars, it seems lile you’re limited to a si goes query at a time and to .csv output, so are you manually putting those hundred tables together or is there another site or…?

        For the bls, as with most organizations that do this sort of thing, there’s a handy API so you** can easily** pull all the data and tables you’d like. Also, of course, they have most of their data available in large, admittedly flat, data files for the odd cross section of people who want to get down and dirty with the data but don’t have the skills to pull JSON requests. Simply follow the original link I gave you, select all the groups/data of interest and to format options.

        It really seems like you’re just searching for a reason to be angry. At first you were railing because as far as I can tell, you blamed the BLS for free news sites being clickbaity. Then were raging about the unemployment number because you didn’t understand how people were counted. Then got angry about having trouble finding the most basic info and when it was shown, are now angry it doesn’t come in database format???

        • Maggoty@lemmy.world
          9 months ago

          You don’t need to put one together, they let you query theirs. That’s the point. And “program a front end for our API” isn’t an answer either. That’s literally the opposite of making data easily available.

          And then you suggest clicking hundreds of slices, requiring me to effectively create my own database. So now we’re at create the back end and front end. You’re getting less accessible, not more.

          I never blamed BLS for CNBC’s shittiness. Those were two separate things. And yes the arbitrary cut offs in data collection is a giant fucking problem. Not counting the bad thing so you can ignore it is one of the oldest ways governments use to ignore things. Such as the way we count unemployment, the 100,000 cap in income baskets, “core” inflation instead of real inflation, household median instead of individual median, etc, etc.

          We’re not going to have a clear picture of the real economy until we get rid of these diet statistics that serve to paint a false picture.

          • Lauchs@lemmy.world
            9 months ago

            And then you suggest clicking hundreds of slices, requiring me to effectively create my own database.

            No one suggested anything of the sort. I have no idea how “Simply follow the original link I gave you, select all the groups/data of interest and to format options.” translates to hundreds of clicks. Make a click per group of interest (Black women, Hispanic men etc) and export.

            Should you need to dig deeper, the BLS makes almost everything available at a high level of detail, e.g., you could drill down to Women in Seafood processing over time. I get that it can be daunting, but that’s kind of the tradeoff; they give you access to way more info than you could need but it is up to you to comb through it.

            It’s not as pretty as Wisqars because this is for people who know what they are doing and looking for. If you are in school, you could ask a librarian to help you and they may be of assistance.

            Such as the way we count unemployment

            Again, read the definition and tell me specifically what you dislike.

            It really just seems like you’re insistent on being angry at the BLS because you didn’t know how to find the data. Now that you’ve been shown the data, you don’t have the maturity to admit “oh, cool, I didn’t know you could grab it that easily.”

            • Maggoty@lemmy.world
              9 months ago

              Lmao. Wisqars isn’t for grown ups. Oh dude. Hold on lemme go tell a bunch of bio phds that. It’ll be good for laughs.

              Having a more fucked up system isn’t some badge of honor. It’s not a mark of being better or smarter. It’s just laziness, and that’s the best interpretation. It’s absolutely a case study for obfuscation by inundation.

              You haven’t shown any easy way to access the information. It’s a fucked up search bar that throws hundreds, if not thousands, of slices of information at you. And God forbid you want historical data.

              I was just screwing around with it again, to make sure you’re actually gaslighting me and the reports it does give have columns with generic names such as “label” and “value”. Where label was a date and value was the total number of non farm workers. This is ridiculous. And go look at the site on mobile, just once. You won’t need to do it twice. You cannot easily find critical information; the front end itself is a F grade high school project; and the mobile formatting is actually non-existent.

              So again. That’s not a badge of honor. That’s a failure. I want my tax money back.

              • Lauchs@lemmy.world
                9 months ago

                Lol, mobile? Really? The BLS should configure their website in case you need to assess the state of the economy on the go?!?

                Just… Wow. This is about the silliest possible take. I don’t remember the last time I read anything quite so utterly ridiculous.

                Thank you, I now have the ultimate reference when talking about the stupidity of internet disagreements.

                • Maggoty@lemmy.world
                  9 months ago

                  So you can only access data on desktop computers? That’s really the gatekeeping line you’re drawing?

                  • Lauchs@lemmy.world
                    9 months ago

                    In terms of BLS priorities? Yeah, ignoring mobile seems pretty reasonable.

                    “Quick, I need to see seasonally adjusted farmworkers by gender while I’m in line for groceries! For reasons!!!”
