Calling best backronym experts. Give it your best shot.
DOGet the fuck out of the US government…
I’m not even American but I feel like the joke fits… Unlike DOGE
Department of Government Enshittification
Department of Obvious Grift and Extortion perhaps?
Dumb Oligarch Gets Everything
Department Of Grifty Edgelords.
Die Of Gonorrhea, Elon
Department of Oligarchy, Graft, and Edgelords
Graft?! 😱
graft /grăft/ noun
Deceitful or fraudulent use of one's position, especially in public office, to obtain personal profits or advantages. Money or advantage obtained by such means.
intransitive verb
To gain money or advantage through deceit or fraud.
I’m pretty sure they mean grift, since graft’s most well known meaning is transplanting living tissue.
Your meaning is exists only in the US and it’s not that universal.
I was making a joke given the most well known meaning.
Department of Government Extermination.
Don’t Oligarchs Get Everything?
Doofus Operating Goverent Entity
Dicks Organising Gorvernment’s End
Don’t Overexplain, Greed Everywhere
I really like the first one
Department of Goebbels Employees
Destroying Our Goverment Entirely 👀
Donald Openly Gargles Erections
Best I saw was department of greedy elon
Department of Government Extermination