Because I seriously don’t think it’s morally wrong at all for a 26 year old man to have a one night stand with a really hot 18 year old woman because they’re both literally consenting adults. I’m from Calgary Alberta and in Alberta the drinking age is 18. So I don’t see anything morally wrong at all for me to have a one night stand with a really hot 18 year old woman that I met at the bar because me and her are both consenting adults and she has all the same legal rights that I have she can vote, she can join the military, she can purchase cigarettes, she can purchase alcohol, and she can buy a house.

Now when it comes to dating a 18 year old woman. Personally I don’t have any desire to date anyone at all because dating and being in romantic relationship with just doesn’t appeal to me.

But if a 26 year old man met an 18 year old woman at the bar and they both decided that they want to go on a date with eachother then I also don’t see anything morally wrong with that either because they are both consenting adults.

    12 days ago

    No, nor is it wrong for a 26 year old woman to have a hookup with an 18 year old man.

    I don’t think it would be as much fun as someone near your age, but wrong? No.