Is it a gender performance or is it just someone who hasn’t accepted that they are a furry.
They had two wolves inside of them and the experience left them feeling weirdly aroused and it scared them a little.
tomato tomato
Everything toxic masculinity related is performative and reflects how sad and scared that person truly is on the inside.
YSK plenty of cis men call themselves Alphas. I’ve never even associated the stereotype with trans people??
I know that.
those cis men are declaring their new gender identity.
as is their right.
I’m with you for the first part, but then you lost me.
some humans declare a new gender identity for themselves: “alpha”, and perform their new gender identity.
“alpha males” are transgender.
So according to your logic Andrew Tate is a transright activists?
no, your correlation is free association rather than logic, but in the way that Mengela was by definition a progressive scientist, I can see how you came to that idea.
Tate isn’t a trans activist because trans rights activists work to expand the rights of the trans community, while Andrew Tate is focused on consolidating power and removing rights from the trans community.
“alpha males” are transgender.
According to you he is transgender and he’s very obviously an activist for that kind of identity. So that’s very much a logicial association (based on your horseshit premise).
nope, that’s incorrect.
you asked if Andrew Tate is a “transright activist”
I explained exactly how he is not a trans rights activist, since he seeks to abolish rights for the trans community rather than establish and expand trans community rights.
you are now asking if Andrew Tate is an activist for specifically alpha males, his chosen gender identity.
that is correct, he is an alpha male zealot.
OP, are you high right now?
2,000 meters, yea. why?
If you’re essentially trying to coin an idea, it isn’t a YSK, it’s just an unfounded opinion.
haha, yeah that pretty much covers it.
I consider men who call themselves alphas as software versions; not worth it yet to bring out as stable programs
I have never met anyone who calls themself an “alpha”. If I ever do, I’ll consider them the same as internet “alphas”… to be both a dumb cunt, and a scared little pussy ass bitch.
I’ve worked with one, and the stereotypes are accurate. Dude was a walking disaster area that I’m 99.99999999% sure relied on date rape to get laid.
I don’t really agree, but it will piss off “alpha” guys if this catches on sooooo
fingers twirled.
I’m all for sticking it to the chuddy guys who call themselves ‘alpha’ and behave accordingly. But there’s a bit more to it than “alpha wolves doesn’t real”.
The scientists who observed the ‘alpha wolf’ behavior were seeing something: wolves in captivity. Which is something that has an analogous human experience in prison.
But since there are an awful lot of these ‘alpha guys’ who have (somehow) never caught a charge, much less spent a stint in prison, maybe it says something about how, maybe, they feel imprisoned on the outside. Like maybe their school, work, home, or social life feels penned in in a way that is not healthy.
I get that you’re trying to redefine a term to something less toxic, but this doesn’t seem to fit YSK in my opinion.
It is explicitly against the rules, yes. In another community, I’d be all for this.