• 8 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Disclaimer: someone calm me and op down.

    I couldn’t believe that every post wasn’t about this ruling all day

    No, you shouldn’t calm down, this decision is absolutely cataclysmic for the US should a dangerous person be elected or the ruling not overturned.

    I’ve been saying the states are okay despite all SCOTUS’ stripping of civil rights and everything else wrong with that country because as long as there were checks and balances, voting had relevance.

    With this ruling,I can’t see that it will continue to.

    A president can order their political opponents murdered.

    They can order that all civil rights be suspended indefinitely.

    They can order a suspension or abolition of term limits.

    They can abolish voting altogether in a hundred different ways and nothing can be legally done to halt that president from continuing to abolish voting until it sticks.

    If anyone does manage to legally stop the president, the president can kill them or cut off their fingers and remove their voice box.

    Literally anything is now legal, fair game.

    Biden has spoken out against that kind of power and he has it right now, so VOTE for BIDEN to buy yourselves some time.

    Whoever comes after this term or the next likely won’t have the same scruples.

    This is far and away the most dangerous and harmful decision SCOTUS has ever made, which is saying a LOT.

    It is the antithesis of the line in the Constitution explicitly stating that no elected official (like the president) has legal immunity.

    The decision to grant an entire branch of the government absolute(it is absolute, anything can become “official”) legal immunity could very rapidly destroy the country as it is and turn it into a true authoritarian state within a week.

    It takes some time to write, print and sign the executive orders or I’d say a day.

    I have to read up on it more because I haven’t read or heard enough yet to convince me that this decision is not utterly catastrophic.

    I’m shocked the dollar hasn’t collapsed, any further international faith in US stability is misplaced.


  • Jackson added, for sure.

    Kagan no way.

    Kagan has sided with conservatives way too many times with the “look, their conclusion is poorly reasoned and unconstitutional, but you can technically get to the conclusion constitutionally from a liberal perspective if…” and then she sides with the conservatives.

    Poking around in legal details can be fun, but she can be a professor while we get someone taking action on the court instead of siding with employer-imposed religious mandates over employee bodily autonomy (hobby lobby), supporting the “Muslim ban”(trump via Hawaii), and crippling contract law so that class action lawsuits can’t be brought against corporations over faulty or illegal contracts. (American Express versus Italian colors).

    Kagan is not helping people, get someone on there who wants to help people.