This is not a question of about parroted nonsense and cultural norms. I mean what end product do they produce that justifies their existence in the first place.

I’m physically disabled and have been living in a prison like situation for nearly 11 years. How does my situation balance into the ethics of prisons? I’m on a path to homelessness and a premature death due to institutionalized neglect and abuse from US institutions. Criminals are housed and fed in exchange for similar isolation, abuse, danger, insurmountable debt, and a largely unemployable and destitute future. These seem to conflict in ethics.

    1 month ago

    As others have already said: Prevention is a point: There are people who should not be out in the open,honestly. I worked with people who rightfully will not be freed unless they are basically close to hospice care. They are dangerous and some even say this of themselves. I worked with a nice gentleman who shared his recipes with me. For cooking human meet - which he had real life experience in as he killed his family and ate parts of them. (He is very likely dead by now) Another guy raped at least 30 woman/girls,some as young as 5, and tried to rape female staff around him while in a psychiatric hospital (and in a regular hospital that just saved his life after another patient attacked him).

    Should these people be kept separated from the society? Yes. Should they be miserable and suffer for the rest of their life? No. They are still human and the absolutely abysmal conditions in the prison systems of some countries, especially the US are a disgrace.

    I am fairly happy that at least in my country the constitutional courts have set clear boundaries how prisoners and institutionalised patients have to be treated, especially after they served their jail time and are only kept locked up for preventional reasons. And that the level of danger to the society they posses needs to be reassessed periodically.

    The other side is punishment. I am far less certain about this side of the issue - prison terms have a deterrent effect to most people,but not all of them. And it seems that we haven’t yet found a good way to address this. For most people the thought of being locked up and therefore being under total external control does at least give them enough “discomfort” to not actually do anything stupid and if they do they often are at least “suffering” from that enough to not do it again.

    Suffering is initially set into “” here, as it is not meant to equal actual suffering like what some politicians and some populations want. The inmate suffers enough by being deprived of his/her freedom, being under external control. We know that for sure. They do not need to be punished more by make their life hell. The same goes for “extremely long sentences for minor stuff”. Firstly this does actively endanger the population. We have pretty good data around sexual assault for that. We can surely agree that rape is a horrible crime and a rapist should be punished. But making rape as bad as murder is a bad idea. Because now the perpetrator has no incentive to not kill his victim - instead the perpetrator now has one to do so. If he/she goes to prison for the same amount of time, why not reduce the risk of victim identifying them? Same goes for the act itself - when every sexual assault is rape for some perpetrators their sick logic comes to the conclusion that they can go “all in” anyway. (I literally have been told that by an inmate)

    The same goes for “life sentences without the option for parole”. This leads to only one thing: You have an inmate with nothing to loose. Once they learned to survive the first stint in solitary and without the things “good behaviour” can get you, they will have nothing that the prison staff can take away from them - and they can take away a lot from everyone else. Therefore punishment must always give people hope - hope that they will get out at some point. Even though there are some that are unlikely to live to that point.

    Lastly we know that bad conditions in prisons and a lack of reintegration as well as the stigma that some countries (e.g. the US) put on their inmates actively push people into reoffending because they develop mental health problems, can’t find a stable life outside the prison,etc.

    Anyway: the main problem OP has is a different one - it’s the lack of help people with chronic diseases are getting. This is what makes their destiny far worse than that of prisoners - because they are always in it for life.