Personally, most of my life has been both difficult and unpleasant due to mental health issues (and capitalism), so I’m just proud of myself for still being here.

    11 months ago

    Ok so I have a super unserious one compared to everyone here but I am legit really proud of myself for it.

    I have pretty bad trypophobia where I will have a pretty extreme visceral reaction to many different holes, patterns of them, etc. This includes nail holes in the wall so I have a hard time putting things up and especially taking things down. When I moved places a few years ago I tried to face this extremely irrational fear and made myself fill every single nail hole in our old apartment. I felt so ill and honestly still feel ill even typing this out. I had to lay down on the floor in the dark apartment for what felt like hours because I was so nauseous. But I did it. Never fucking doing it again, but I did it and nobody can take that from me. This year I even put up two frames all by myself.

    11 months ago

    Being kicked out of my family > Barely avoiding homelessness for 3 years now > helping a friend out when their family passed > managing to stay employed > getting my gf away from her abusive parents through a skilled mission of infiltration and gaslighting towards the abusers (used their own tricks against them). Now I’m just trying to scrape out of homelessness again as the housing market where I live is just godawful terrible. I’m 21 goddammit, I didn’t expect to be thrown into new game + right off the bat. I still wanna go to college so I’m at least proud I kept my ambitions.

    11 months ago

    I had three years of my life where every thing that could go wrong, went wrong. Among other things, a divorce and losing both parents. I’m invincible now. Nothing rattles me.

  • Call me Lenny/
    11 months ago

    Years ago I might’ve said something like school or overcoming my setbacks, but if that were the case, it’s less so now because my mind no longer squares the view that they’re challenges with the view or understanding that I would not wish many of the things I went through on anyone, if it ever did. Can you imagine going through things you were never meant to go through while people watch silently and measure your self-worth based on your success in endurance as if to imply the moments that haunt you forever were all a game and one you wanted to play?