• phoenixz@lemmy.ca
    2 months ago

    You read it all yet completely missed or ignored the point.

    Religions are ALL make belief, sometimes based on nonsense written thousands of years ago, sometimes nonsense written just a few decades or even years ago. There is zero evidence of any supernatural part of any religion nbeinh even remotely true or having happened.

    Religions have not brought a net positive to this world. The majority of wars have been over religious differences, it leads to discrimination and suppression. It has been used to justify the most terrible horrors this world has seen, it has been and is continues to be used to control people.

    These two facts combined makes it something that may not ans cannot even remotely touch government, education, healthcare and other areas of civil life.

    Religions people either mix their religion one way or another into their work because that is what religion dictates. I do not want your stone age or modern myths and fables in a class room, I don’t want to have to talk about humna rights to someone whose religion requires him to suppress the rights of other (that would be just about every religion out there)

    Call is a vitriolic rant.if you will, I’m still right. That straw man argument actually is based on news reports about doctors not wanting to treat certain patients. Same in the US there are loads of doctors who are unable to disentangle their religious nutjob beliefs from their professional duty and use religion to discriminate.

    Do I really need to make a more comprehensive list of the negative effects of religion on humanity? Don’t make me go there.

    If you work at the government, medicine, schools… You shouldn’t be allowed to display any religious symbols, and if it were up to be I’d require those jobs to be atheist only. If you still haven’t passed the stage where you’re 5 years old and make belief fables are real to you, then you have no place in auch jobs. Grow. Up.