Yes please, and quickly please
Yes please, and quickly please
Lawyer claims random bullshit without supplying evidence to later in court just ignore all those claims
Uh huh, fuck this bastard. Send him to jail and place him in the middle of Jewish and Palestinians. I think he owes both groups a bit of an explanation
Soon laws will come that won’t allow scientists to leave, mark my words
True, and crazy proposals like this in the US happened all the time for decades already.
Having said that, the amount of bat shit crazy theology proposals has been going through the roof these past few weeks
It’sll literally been weeks, it feels like decades already
Expect Vance to threaten war with Germany over this
Elon Musk claims
That right there means that Elmo is lying. He always has, I’ve been saying this for years now.
Look back a decade, and look at all for his claims, it’s ALL a lie. Yet people keep lapping it up and claim he’s a hero for the world.
The guy, like Cheeto, is a compulsive liar. If he opens his mouth, assume he’s lying
And jail time, right?
Yeah, I have an anti fingerprint extension installed in Firefox, and immediately no Google site will work anymore, all google sessions break with it while most other sites just continue to work.
I’m working to rid myself completely from Google, my target being that I will completely DNS block all google (and Microsoft and Facebook) domains within a year or so. Wish I could do it faster but I only have a few hours per weekend for this
Yeah no, this will be long term
First trump term, him fucking over all allies is something the allies could forgive. Second time, not so much. Allies now know they can’t rely on the US to be a trustworthy ally.
Trump already destroyed all soft power, he wants to reduce military spending by 50% too, so hard power will be down the drain as well.
Then he’s destroying the economy, he increased highcorruption like there is no tomorrow, he is destroying education and he is destroying all oversight on companies
He’s working hard on destroying democratic institutions too so forget fair elections, as if the US ever had any.
IMHO, the US will never recover from trump, and that is what it deserves. It always had the great chance to be truely great but it fucked itself around every corner trying to please the rich
No idea who this shit stain is, but good, let him suffer.
You voted trump, you got trump. Now shut upmand suffer in silence
What next president? You really believe there will be any?
But with that in mind:
Next dem president should.take pages from 2025. Just do whatever the frack you want to do. Fire ALL and everyone that was hired during Trump’s admin, start from scratch.
They’ll have to rewrite all software as well as Elmo’s grubby fingers have tainted all the current systems
Whoever told you that is your enemy
You don’t need to be a Nobel laurist to see this coming from a mile away. And “May” is very optimistic here, it already has been spectacularly breaking stuff, just expect more
You mean those places with people appointed by Trump capped “judges”?
Yeah, that’ll just pass
Americans: please stop stepping down. Have some backbone, stay in your place and do the fucking right thing? All you do with stepping down is making it easier to put some trump loyalist in place
Please keep calling it twitter, that’s what it always has been.
Twatter, alternatively, may even be better
Well yeah, but what do you expect.
If it had been about a US state, the responses would have been exactly the same. Magas hate anything that doesn’t agree with them, so what chance could Canada stand on a hatehole like twatter?
Yeah, that is pretty much what people mean with “switched sides”
He has indicated that he’s willing to use the US military for conquest, how much more does he need to do to define the US switch sides?
I’ve seen a lot of these complaints and it’s never about just a woman being in media. acting as if it is, is disingenuous and plain lying
People complain when changes are made for bullshit reasons, like virtue signalling. The problem becomes that a mobile company just switches someone’s race to whatever is darker, they’ll switch a character from male to female, and tadaaaahhh, we have a great product now, so let’s cut investments in writing, good actors, food producers and the end result it shit, yet we’re supposed to somehow cheer it because the main character is now an <insert minority group>
Take Ariel, the mermaid. The character who was known to be white with red hair was swapped to a black actress and the resulting product was shit. It ws shit not because of the character being black, but because the movie was a cheap cash grab using virtue signalling to make people care.
It can be done right when, you know, its not done for virtue signalling. Take battlestar Galactica. Starbuck was change to a woman and holy crap, did they kick it out of the park. The actress was awesome, the writing (mostly) was awesome, the production was awesome.
Too many times I’ve been told that some movie must be great because it’s against patriarchy and its just dog shit. If you want to “battle the patriarchy” then just make a good damn movie or show, I’ll watch it. I will NOT waste my time watching a shitshow just because “it has more women in it!!” I don’t care, just make it good
This here says it all. Trump breaks law after law, fucks up after and during fucking up insanely, breaks the government, gives the keys to the government to an unelected incompetent serial lying asshole who only cares about himself and…
What is it going to take? Trump accidentally nimong nlNew York completely? Nah, Cheeto will claim it was a DEI camp or something and people will applaud it. Have an epidemic break out that kills 80% of the population? Seriously, what is needed for people to stop wanting Cheeto, what the fuck Is wrong with all of you?