The idea that post-war economic boom provided a middle class lifestyle for the “average” American is such a pernicious myth it can only be called a lie.
The government largess that made that lifestyle possible for the few (Interstate Highway system, Government housing loan guarantees, and GI Bill) not only excluded POC and women from this bounty, but actively worked to put more burdens and barriers against the poor.
The “hoods” were red-lined to exclude them from the loans. They were divided, isolated, and polluted by the same highways that allowed whites to flee to the new suburbs. The black GIs did enroll in college, but only those collages who accepted black students; separate and equal.
Sony had like 10 subscription/ live service games in the pipe when Concord flopped. All canceled now.
Evey games developer want’s a fortnite but they can’t understand that multiple games designed to maximize player investment and dominate their time can’t coexist.