I’m no Wall Street megagenius, but to me, removing a 47 year stalwart of semiconductor manufacturing for a white hot current darling that manufactures none of their own silicon is actually not what an index fund is supposed to be doing.
But money is all made up anyway so what do I know.
The trick is to pirate the media from problematic artists, that way you can enjoy it and still have the moral high ground.
113 Years after the Triangle Shirtwaist factory fire and not enough has changed for the better.
Dont tell anyone I told ypu about this…
If anyone wants to know, the reason that happens is because spiders move their legs with a hydraulic system and once they are dead the pressure gets released and they revert to their “default” state.
Id say quite a few Twilight Zone episodes had endings that were better than the mystery. But of course, there were just as many episodes where the opposite was true.
TOS always, the others it depends.
My thought is that these people think that their smarter than everyone else therefore they are justified doing anything they do. On the other hand, anyone with a billion dollars got it by making a whole lot of other people poorer. And they ate neither actually geniuses nor benevolent in any other way.
The Phillip Morris CEO makes money by hooking people onto something that isn’t good for them. Tech CEOs are very seldom any different. Anyone who says otherwise usually has a financial interest in making you believe them.
I read the article but it doesn’t mention how they are counting a “view”. Obviously most people on Twitter see his posts but there are so many bots on Twitter at this point, how many of those views were just that?
Pretty much every OSHA rule came from some kind of death or dismemberment of they guy before you. As a wise foreman once said, "Better a pain in the ass than your ass in pain”
Indeed they are, but every single site wants my email and birthday before I can view content now. I don’t knock them for trying to make money from ads but I don’t need them selling my email address on the side too.
I’ve actually been using it for years but I’ve never messed with the launch gestures before. That’s a super useful feature.
KISS launcher is exactly what I was looking for in a launcher. 5 always used apps at the bottom calendar and weather widgets on the home screen, search for everything else. It seems like it used to have a lot of problems with custom icons but lately it’s been pretty much perfect.
This guy isn’t kidding about the garage door springs. I had some of the old style ones in my old garage that broke and launched a piece of metal across the garage right past my head and made a giant dent in a 2x4. Those things are vicious.
From a Star Trek perspective, when they have to eject the (warp) core they are also in for a pretty bad time.
Mine is usually sheer horror at the prospect of getting that far and screwing up on an international stage. Secondhand anxiety is in the red zone.
I think we should do a letter writing campaign. It worked for TOS.