• 11 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 24th, 2023

  • They’re making a new browser engine from scratch in an open way, absolutely amazing!

    I do have several questions:

    Why would they use BSD instead of GPL? If you care about open-source so much, why would you make it possible for a company to run away with your fancy new engine?

    Why are they creating a new browser, when even firefox has to struggle to keep some semblance of market share? I get that not every project needs to aim to be “the biggest”, and that even a smaller project (in terms of users), can be fun. It’s just that writing a browser engine that can handle the modern web seems like an almost Sisyphean task; which makes me wonder what their motivation(?) is.

    Why the FLOSS are they using closed-source proprietary discord as their main communication channel?

  • Exactly, if we do a back of the napkin calculation:



    There are 200 million bitcoin wallets, let’s be generous and say those are all owned by unique individuals.

    Total energy consumption

    Bitcoin used about 114 TWh in 2021[1]

    Bitcoin currently uses about 150 TWh annually

    Energy consumption per user

    150 TWh / year 
    ————————— = 0,75 TWh / user / year
    200 million users

    Banking system


    There are over 8 billion people on the planet today, let’s assume 4 billion of them have access to the global banking system.

    Total energy consumption

    The global banking system used an estimated 264 TWh in 2021[1]

    If we assume the same consumption increase rate for banking, that’s about 348 TWh/year currently.

    Energy consumption per user

    348 TWh / year 
    ————————— = 0,087 TWh / user / year
    4.000 million users

    With these numbers, bitcoin uses almost 10x the energy per user annually.

    There are of course a myriad of things one can argue over whether it makes a fair comparison, none of which I feel like arguing, since this is just a really simple estimate with a lot of assumptions.

    1: I used the numbers in this article uncritically, if you have better numbers you can run your own calculations.

  • The best thing is to use a different device, period.

    Since the company is lord and master over the device, in theory, they can see anything you’re doing.
    Maybe not decrypting wireguard traffic in practice, but still see that you’re doing non-official things on the device that are probably not allowed. They might think you’re a whistleblower or a corporate spy or something.

    I have no idea where you work, but if they install a CA they’re probably have some kind of monitoring to see what programs are installed/running.

    If the company CA is all you’re worried about, running a browser that uses its own CA list should be enough.