I like my bubble and I have a lot tolerance for BS and a high count blocklist. I’m just tired of it all.

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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: September 28th, 2023

  • Glad I was sitting down when I read that. Nobody could have predicted that Instagram would only pay lip service to removing harmful content /s

    Meta is one of the Evil Corp who is killing people, and destroying lives, through pursuit of profit. It’s goal is to frame the health and well-being of people and society to allow advertisers reach a bigger, better and an easier manipulated audience.

    I know it’s a cliché, and I don’t use this often as things have many sides, but I do wonder how people justify this to themselves and what they see when they look in the mirror.

  • HP is so desperate for money that this is what they need to do to survive.

    What does HP (hardware) actually do these days? Where do they compete (and I mean compete, not have products in)?

    They ruined Compaq.

    They killed their golden goose printing business with bullshit like this.

    They killed their server hardware business with bullshit like locking software, drivers and firmware behind support contracts.

    As somebody who always bought HP and advocated for their hardware (many years ago), I would never buy anything they make today.

  • That’s a myth that people need to stop spreading.

    Microsoft is a business. Microsoft is also not stupid. If it cost them more to provide a product than it makes them, they wouldn’t provide it. They’re is a huge amount of examples of them doing this. They don’t provide it because they’re nicer guys.

    Microsoft uses Windows, and all of it’s products, as a vehicle for Azure and advertisers. Everything they do feeds into that one way or another.

    Microsoft stopped being a software company some time ago.