Neither have mine. Sometimes I have a bit of a raw spot, but that’s because they think it’s VERY IMPORTANT to groom my arms, lol. I must be stinky.
Well, fuck her. I was happy I made a new friend. I was very wrong. Full disclosure: I disagreed with her regarding celebrities and assault allegations. I learned (well I guess I already knew) when I disagree with a cis woman about something - I’m “not a real woman anyways”. My identity hinges on being a good little pet for the cis. Fuck that.
(For the record, my first instinct is to believe the alleged victims of sex assualt. I know it takes a lot of courage to come forward. It’s just that when large sums of money are involved, I prefer to let the courts decide. How monstrous, and manly, of me).
Yes, a nightmare I had as a child, many years ago (around 30ish). I was in a desert/beach…the air was dusty and orange-tinted. There was a gazebo made of wood, almost rotting or rotten, and a giant golem who trapped me in a wooden box. The whole thing was terrifying, and dry and hot.
I’m an LGBTQ Canadian and I’ll never step foot in the States.