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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023


  • That was… The point though? He thinks trans women aren’t women. That was like a full third of the show’s transcript, and I even left some off

    So what do you view as the point of saying all these things or the point of the show itself?

    I guess the point was about the one token trans person he deemed worthy of his respect (who killed herself, probably unrelated) bc she was totally fine with him making fun of her identity so that makes it ok to just dead gender her after talking about how he pretty much bullied her and she took it bc of his position in the industry so that makes it ok to just degrade whole group of people

    Or something

    Go off though if you wanna defend transphobia I guess

  • His shows are pretty much him making fun of trans people and whining bc people call him on his shit for doing nothing but making fun of trans people.

    Here’s some excepts from The Closer in 2022. I watched this begrudgingly to prove to a buddy of mine that he was, in fact, being transphobic (said buddy is no longer buddy), and I haven’t watched anything of his shit since but it’s probably just him whining even more now:

    • Every time I come out onstage, I be scared. I be lookin’ around the crowd, searching. For knuckles and Adam’s apples to see where the threats might be coming from.

    • And then she hikes her skirt up and she pulls a real live, meaty dick out!

    • If I was honest, I wouldn’t have fallen for it. I’d have just looked at the picture like, “Look at that big chiseled jawline, that big thick Joe Rogan neck. Is that a dude? Is your daughter a man?” Can’t say that shit. It’s really annoying.

    • trans-bitch from the picture.

    • A couple of more drinks and these fellows are gonna start asking her for some pussy, she might not have.

    • I was careful to call her a bitch, ’cause I didn’t want to blow her cover.

    • “Well.” I am a girl now, n*gger. You must treat me as such.

    • Gender is a fact.

    • Now… I am not saying that to say, that trans women aren’t women. I’m just sayin, that those pussies that they got… You know what I mean?

    • I’m not saying it is not pussy, but that’s like Beyond Pussy or Impossible Pussy. You know what I mean? It tastes like pussy but that’s not quite what it is, is it? It’s not blood, that is beet juice.

    And here’s what the actual goat comedian who had a lasting impact in the industry beyond a mediocre skit series in late 90s Comedy Central and one movie might retort to Chappelle

  • Ish? I run machines at a steel tube/chromed bar processing plant in the Midwest which is kinda neat but also mind-numbing, but the money is really good for what I do. They just offered me an outside sales position over my whole state so… I like doing new things and my background is in food and bev so I’d much rather be dealing with people than pushing buttons on a CNC or hone all day plus for a pay increase and not being all gross and oily when I get off work? No-brainer

  • I’d agree with your first point re: D&D ®️ esp re 5th Edition. My wife took a long time to get in to ttrpgs, something that I’ve enjoyed for over 30 years bc I kept trying to do the D&D®️ thing. I’d recommend you try other games that actually “play” at the table. Dungeon World is great and almost anything in the PbtA family does such a great job of driving the action forward (5e doesn’t), having actual stakes and danger (5e doesn’t), actually meaningful character choices (5e doesn’t), not a beat-the-designer/video-gamist philosophy (5e DOES have this), and not ran by a shitty corporation that hires mercenary thugs to intimidate people, since literally anyone can make a PbtA game about anything.

    Agree 💯 on the d20. I think it works in some games, notable Mörk Borg and like b/x D&D - games where if you are rolling dice, you already have fucked up

    I can’t speak to the groups you played with , but have you tried getting people that aren’t in to the hobby in to it? I run games for new players often and they never have the baggage I think you’re speaking about

    Re the preparation you do, be sure to always prep situations not plots. There should be a law that states “the more prep the DM puts into a game is directly proportional to how quickly the players will force their prep off the rails”. The game is a conversation, and I think D&D®️ 5e has fucked this up bc of how they format their adventures WITHOUT EVER TELLING YOU HOW TO ACTUALLY RUN A GAME! Plus, Christ they are fucking textbooks written by committee! I would say a couple things, first: look at Dungeon World as a guideline for how to format your adventures, and second: don’t plan huge arcs, just plan individual moments that you want to happen. The characters will get there, even if it is a roundabout way. The Lazy DM by Sly Flourish has a lot of help here that can work for any game, and there’s this blog post that talks about the literal easiest foolproof prep method.

    Your last point doesn’t make sense… Check out itch.io and their physical games category. There are RPGs for literally any genre or setting you can think of. TinyD6 and FAE are two really good generic games that if you can’t find your setting, you just slap these bad boys in there and you have an RPG

    It really is a fun and exciting hobby and I’m sorry you’ve had a bad time previously.