Shoot up
Shoot up
Thanks for the insight!
Yes, just checked)
Why did they replace bash with zsh?
The bladder tells the balls that it’s time
I mean, it is kind of hard to push the stuff through initially when the thing is hard. But I guess you’re right that aiming becomes a bigger issue.
Certainly makes it hard to pee
And pee yourself
Is it even possible? I mean, your bladder would probably scream so loud that the brain would give up
Only this morning? Lucky bastard.
Biological clock in action
I am almost never able to get back to sleep after “answering the call.” It’s like the brain get a signal to start working.
that’s a life pro tip right there
In a bra, duh
Where do boo bees live?
I knew I was in the right place
Which metric to use is also related to how they are going to enforce it. Surely they won’t weigh cars. It’s more realistic to base it on makes.
We never asked for this
I remember seeing this on Reddit a while ago. Doesn’t make it less fun, of course. Just saying.
Or the only person who phrases your issue this way) so many times I’ve found out that I just state my problem in an unusual way