muddi [he/him]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2020


  • Nitpicking can be automated by a linter, then reviews can actually sit back and review more important things like high-level design and scalability

    as if peer reviews could actually spot bugs that tests can’t catch

    There can’t be bugs if there are no tests to catch them! Ofc you can also automate test coverage standards. But PRs are sometimes the only way to catch bugs, even and especially with senior devs in my experience bc they are lazy and will skip writing tests, or write useless or bare minimum tests just to check off code standards and merge on ahead

  • Honestly I see it in actual historians too. Texts always have something along the lines of “yes, the [insert non-European civilization] had _, but only Europeans went far enough to _”

    Shit like how ancient civilizations had invented calculus, calculated pi to several digits, observed the cosmos, etc. but it’s only the ancient Greeks who contributed to history apparently. Seems unprofessional as hell. It’s not that dissimilar to white supremacists who say " everyone practiced slavery, but only Europeans abolished it"

    It’s often linked to some geographic or cultural uniqueness of Europe, like how they didn’t have famines or shit and so they were able to be creative about nature that wasn’t chaotic and devastating.