• 3 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 10th, 2023


  • Old version docs tend to offer you a redirect to more recent docs

    Sadly, the docs, I’ve worked with (openstack and ansible) frequently, don’t do this. They have a button to go to the latest version of the docs, but not to the equivalent page on the latest version. This means I have to find the equivalent page again, from the integrated search usually.

    And yes, a lot can change between versions. New features can get added that solve your problems or older stuff can get removed.

  • Putting something on GitHub is really inconsequential if you’re making your project open source since anyone can use it for anything anyway,

    Except for people in China (blocked in China) or people on ipv6 only networks, since Github hasn’t bothered to support ipv6, cutting out those in countries where ipv4 addresses are scarce.

    So yes, it does matter. Both gitlab and codeberg, the two big alternatives, both support ipv6 (idk about them being blocked in china). They also support github logins, so you dob’t even need to make an account.

    And it’s not a black or white. Software freedom is a spectrum, not a binary. We should strive to use more open source, decentralized software, while recognizing that many parts are going to be out of our immediate control, like the backbone of the internet or little pieces like proprietary firmware.

  • sn1per is not open source, according to the OSI’s definition

    The license for sn1per can be found here: https://github.com/1N3/Sn1per/blob/master/LICENSE.md

    It’s more a EULA than an actual license. It prohibits a lot of stuff, and is basically source-available.

    You agree not to create any product or service from any par of the Code from this Project, paid or free

    There is also:

    Sn1perSecurity LLC reserves the right to change the licensing terms at any time, without advance notice. Sn1perSecurity LLC reserves the right to terminate your license at any time.

    So yeah. I decided to test it out anyways… but what I see… is not promising.

    FROM docker.io/blackarchlinux/blackarch:latest
    # Upgrade system
    RUN pacman -Syu --noconfirm
    # Install sn1per from official repository
    RUN pacman -Sy sn1per --noconfirm
    CMD ["sn1per"]

    The two pacman commands are redundant. You only need to run pacman -Syu sn1per --noconfirm once. This also goes against docker best practice, as it creates two layers where only one would be necessary. In addition to that, best practice also includes deleting cache files, which isn’t done here. The final docker image is probably significantly larger than it needs to be.

    Their kali image has similar issues:

    RUN set -x \
            && apt -yqq update \
            && apt -yqq full-upgrade \
            && apt clean
    RUN apt install --yes metasploit-framework


    It’s still building right now. I might edit this post with more info if it’s worth it. I really just want a command-line vulnerability scanner, and sn1per seems to offer that with greenbone/openvas as a backend.

    I could modify the dockerfiles with something better, but I don’t know if I’m legally allowed to do so outside of their repo, and I don’t feel comfortable contributing to a repo that’s not FOSS.