• 14 Posts
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: December 24th, 2023


  • I remember the way I felt when the railroad strike first ended- it was a smack in the face to the railroad union. He sided against the protesters and ended the protest without giving them what they wanted- sick time off. I thought “dang, Biden is just another in a long line of anti-labor presidents”.

    That was big news posted loud and everywhere.

    And then only a few months later, and with little fanfare, The Biden administration pressured rail companies to give that sick leave.

    Biden (actually Pete Buttigeig) prioritized preventing an immediate logistics crisis over workering conditions, but he didn’t just let it slide off his table. Now we don’t have a logistics crisis and the railroad union has more sick leave. Absolute win.

  • Also from my interactions on here:

    On one side I have an old catholic bum who is committing genocide (by allowing companies to sell to a man who is committing genocide), and in the other side I have a convicted felon who would absolutely continue the genocide while removing my human rights and wants to turn the country into a dictatorship.

    As a leftist, these two are exactly the same and I’m not voting.

  • What I find so interesting about painting people you disagree with as a monolith is that it naturally makes the argument you are against contradictory.

    One group of people cheers Uber and you disagree with that.

    Then another group of people (granted there will be some overlap) decry Uber later on.

    These are two different people, but when you treat them as one, you’re bound to see your opposition as being contradictory at best and contrarian at worst.

  • Only addressing your point on what downvotes mean as a reflection of understanding:

    Idk about you, but I have had posts/ comments in the past that have had massive downvotes, but I also am confident in those takes because I’ve either studied them for my degree or I’m a professional in the field and have first hand experience. Sometimes the mob is wrong.

    For instance, I am a music teacher, and understand how difficult it can be when two kids come to you crying after some incident, and while trying to manage a whole classroom I have to make a judgement call on who and how to discipline within 30 seconds. When I’ve said “hey I’m sorry your teacher punished you when you were the one bullied, but they also didn’t have the resources and frankly we’re not omnipotent, this is more of an issue administration has power over” I got down voted to hell.

    That said, when my takes have consistently been downvoted to hell over a period of months, I would likely take a deeper dive. My degree was political science, and I had a harsh take on FDR, and while I still feel he’s a bit overrated, I recognize I was leaning into him deeper than needed.