And since self-improvement is “woke”, they choose the latter.
If you need to improve to be able to compete, you’re not good enough. That’s never a pleasant thought. Preventing competition is one way to avoid the possibility of having to face it.
And since self-improvement is “woke”, they choose the latter.
If you need to improve to be able to compete, you’re not good enough. That’s never a pleasant thought. Preventing competition is one way to avoid the possibility of having to face it.
Just don’t expect them to always tell the truth, or to actually be human-like
I think the point of the post is to call out exactly that: people preaching AI as replacing humans
In theory, asking isn’t illegal and truth is a defense against charges of slander and I wouldn’t be surprised to learn his desire for domination extends to children. In practice, you’re probably a few billion short of laws to apply.
That’s what I mean. Voting third party isn’t reasonable, unless it polls well enough ahead of time that it becomes a viable choice for people to risk their vote being wasted for the chance to pick a better option. But even then, they need to trust those polls and need to hope that enough other people come to the same conclusion to actually make it so…
If you want to break the two-party-stranglehold, you have to vote third party, but only if enough other people vote third party, and that kind of “guessing motives” or trusting in the other actors to make individually irrational but collectively rational decisions is where Game Theory breaks down.
The theory is clear, but humans aren’t quite so easy to model, and when your game features piles and piles of incomplete information and non-deterministic decisions, things get muddy.
I think many just don’t understand or don’t want to understand the complexity of the public opinion guessing game that is attempting to break the vile equilibrium of a two-party-system without spoilering the worse party into power.
At least that’s what I hope, because the alternative is that they actually think Trump is better and I’m trying to get out of the habit of assuming the worst.
Time to take my alt account elsewhere…
Voting for Harris was always going to be an attempt to buy more time for more effective change measures, for pushing progressive support in primaries and local elections, for building public perception that the left actually has a chance and can make a difference. It was never going to fix things –nothing can do so quickly, because cultural change takes time – but prevent the worst so that there might be more time for other measures that would set a better course.
But some people opted to let perfect be the enemy of “not as bad” and call their complacency noble, so I guess that option is off the table now.
I thought that was a synonym for shit smear?
Feed him enough of it and it will work
I once worked on a codebase where the reset function had a hardcoded default password
There is a gun and a bottle of wild turkey next to my printer
I wouldn’t leave a gun in the printer’s reach. The fucking thing will murder you in your sleep. Those things are the work of the devil and every day they continue to exist is a day too long.
No, that’s not “back”, which implies they left. That’s just staying with what you’re used to, what is normal to you.
Google has become established enough that the name has obtained a sense in itself. When switching to something else, the new tool has to convince in a way that the previous one doesn’t. Often, function isn’t enough if the form doesn’t fit.
Put them on an Ark - wooden, overloaded, cast adrift in the type of weather that would cause massive flooding, if you catch my drift. Of course, gathering two of each animal would be cruel, so we’ll skip those.
you can’t really compare it
My point is that ridiculous difference. 10m is a lot of money, yet these people wouldn’t actually lose much because what they have left is still so obscenely much more.
For God so loved the world that he invented a hell to throw people into so he could call himself merciful by sending his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
I think I might have gotten a weird translation there. Anyway, he loves you so much he might choose not to throw you into the lake of fire.
Oh no, I mean based on my current income. If I made 10m less than I make now, I’d make about -10m. My yearly income is about 54k, or 0.054m, so subtracting 10m would get me to -9.946m.
I was trying to make a joke about how much 10m is for the average person, yet it’s rather minor when you’re already making 200m.
In fact, I’d be very much happy to make just those 10m, I don’t even need the 200m, nor would I need it more than once. A one-off sum of 10m would be more than enough to solve a lot of my problems and still have plenty left to be ready for future preparations.
Actually, losing 10m income would be bad. For me, at least, it would put me about 10m in debt.
pay off the national debt
As if
Apparently it’s an Israeli news outlet, which will color the way they put it
And just like your mother, she’s wrong and doesn’t deserve what she spurned.