Surprisingly tolerable pick.
It wasn’t Jason from Friday the 13th at all.
Mind the shavings
Surprisingly tolerable pick.
It wasn’t Jason from Friday the 13th at all.
Hey good people get elected in a sane voting system that’s weird.
The word isn’t out on it yet. Not really. It’s pretty academic.
Tell people it solves this problem:
Those precious, sweet baby potential democrats.
Because to a nazi, inefficiency = efficiency.
Just like how trickle down economics, the literal exact opposite of a rising tide lifting all boats, is “a rising tide lifts all boats”.
The truth isnt republican-safe until it’s upside down.
It’ll be illegal not to fuck kids.
To protect them.
It wasn’t a joke.
All this republican nazi propaganda is blatant. Nobody gets the excuse of thinking any of it’s true. It presents as horseshit, not even as some genuine misunderstanding.
Why? Because someone too god damn stupid to know which end to stuff the food in said something incorrect about you?
Have fun advertising your shit politician.
Ahh, sense.
But did you consider that maybe they sacrificed their own children to covid because you were a big meanie poo poo head about it (after they already did it)??
Democrats have no message, progressives suck at talking, Republicans are good at talking because they know it’s all they have.
But at a certain point people do just have to be smart enough to see that something so obviously bad is bad. You really can’t work around it.
Which is why the American status quo (as opposed to “humanity”) is a virus that the earth is healing by means of a fever. Our best is better than this, but we’re graded on our average.
Maybe we can help it along by stomaching a little tactical truth social posting
Now it’s a 45-day deadline, and this time I mean it, buster.
The “pro-involuntary sexual participation” party.
He threatened to rape all women and now he’s a-scawed?
Some comments are dumb enough to get a user block after just one comment!
That’s funny, he’s the one who’s not a completely fucking disgusting prick. I don’t like him, but he’s not actively a terrorist or anything, that I know of.
If you wanna go hard, shrooms, acid, mdma, ketamine are the ones you want.
Take them seriously, they’re powerful. Be in a relatively good headspace, have someone you trust with your life to watch over you the whole time. I don’t know if you need a sitter for mdma.
Don’t try to control what happens. Shrooms and acid specifically are like one giant alien rollercoaster teaching you the lesson, “when you try to be in control, life is hell, when you go along for the ride, it’s bliss”. They do that by making it hell the second you attempt to exert your will on the trip, and sending you into bliss when you go with it.