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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: April 10th, 2022


  • Then you don’t know what is. Now it’s time for you to learn.

    The Nazis invaded Poland and dissolved the Polish government. The Soviets new that the Nazis were going to attempt to invade Russia over the Ukrainian border, just like Napoleon did. In order to delay this, they needed Soviet troops on the ground to slow down and monitor Nazi movement, but they had no pretext for doing so. Because Germany had not yet declared war on the USSR, the solution was to create a peacetime non-aggression treaty that allowed Soviet troops to be deployed to Poland. This had the effect of getting Soviet troops on the ground without starting the hot conflict. It also had the effect of taking a portion of Poland away from the Third Reich.

    You make it sound like M-R was the Soviets conspiring with the Third Reich to divide up Poland and then invading it, but that’s not actually what happened. Ultimately what made the USA enter the war was that the USSR was the only country willing to liberate Europe from the Nazis, and what happened in half of Poland during M-R then happened in all of Eastern Europe - the Soviets occupied territory that would have been occupied by fascists. You can’t paint occupation by the Soviets as equivalent with occupation by the Nazis when literally the only alternative to occupation by the Nazis.

  • The West has given Ukraine more per year than Russia spends on its entire military, and Russia isn’t using its entire military in this conflict. Russia also hasn’t invaded Ukraine the way the US has invaded each of its failed quagmires. Russia is staying at the border. It’s a well known problem that Ukraine consists of vast wide open fields which are great for farming and impossible to defend. Russia has clearly demonstrated they have no intention of trying, so no one thinks Russia is going to suffer the same kind of defeat as the USA has. That’s just copium based on your refusal to research and understand the situation beyond news headlines.

    The West has given Ukraine most of the good shit at this point. Name some wonder weapons that Ukraine doesn’t have.

  • Molotov-Ribbentrop is a great example of liberals not being able to think for themselves. Hitler literally wrote in Mein Kampf that his goal was to destroy the communist movement, occupy Russia, and enslave the Slavs. It is literally impossible for the Soviets to believe they could form an alliance, which means your conclusion that Molotov-Ribbentrop constitutes meaningful collaboration is incorrect.

    If you study the history around it, the USSR wanted absolutely nothing to do with war after its revolution because it wanted to focus all of its efforts on building a new nation. The treaty was negotiated in attempt to delay armed conflict as much as possible and to take advantage of contradictions in capitalism/fascism to create that extra time.

  • Why is this the only choice? Why has the DNC failed at every possible opportunity to build a better political party that can actually win and use those wins to advance an agenda that reduces the power of the reactionary right?

    When it is framed this way, the false dichotomy falls away. The DNC is reactionary and their policies outcomes are predominantly indistinguishable from the right’s policy outcomes. They applaud themselves for compromising with the right and they constantly demonize and disempower the left.

    The only conclusion we can come to is that the Democrats are in fact allies of the Republicans, but now we need evidence.

    The debates are organized, planned, and operated by a coalition of the two parties who work closely together to create the theater we see. The Democrats refused to touch the filibuster to do anything to advance their agenda but worked with Republicans to bypass it easily to pass the budget. The Democrats currently hold executive office and the Republican supreme court gave the president unlimited power to discharge duties and instead of doing anything with that power the DNC candidate said they will not use the power, a clear signal to the RNC power structure to proceed without fear.

    I don’t know how much more evidence we need, how many more observations we need, how many more cops need to kill black people while getting more funding and more equipment, how many more mass murders we need the military to commit, how much more environmental devastation we need to see before we understand that both parties are not equivalent but rather we don’t have two parties. We have one party with two PR firms running damage control, consent manufacture, and storytelling to advance one singular agenda.

    Stop buying this bullshit that one candidate is the harm reduction candidate. Both candidates are put up by the same power structure and electing either of them is a win for that power structure against the people. The only win for the people is total destruction of both “parties”.

  • The Philippines, so named because they were a Spanish colony, was subsequently occupied by the USA. The USA designed a military occupation apparatus to maintain their dominance of the islands that was then repatriated to the USA in the form of the state police system (PA State Police being the first). Since then, The Philippines has been deeply enmeshed in Western geopolitics through economic dominance.

    What China is doing is not bullying and The Philippines knows that. What China is doing is pushing back against the West’s bullying in the Pacific and The Philippines is in a long transition away from the North Atlantic’s sphere of influence into China’s sphere of influence. De-escalation is absolutely the right response because the only place escalation goes is the return of Western hot conflict to the region and the continued domination of the region by the Western bullies.

    Tl;Dr: Don’t talk about bullies when you don’t know the history of bullying over the last 5 centuries

  • Please seek medical attention for your lack of oxygen.

    What geopolitical advantages do electric vehicles pose over, say, 600+ military bases in 80 countries? How much money is China spending subsidizing EVs as compared to the USA subsidizing their own fossil fuel system? How much money is the US “burning” to produce, for example, one fighter jet project?

    How is China “totalitarian” when subsidizing green technology is literally what every country has committed to doing at every climate summit, when Western citizens are demanding their governments subsidize EVs and other green tech, when people are literally protesting and putting their bodies on the line for this?

    At every turn, your comment is so wrong it’s a wonder you can hit send and not realize how contradictory your position is.