tired tired tired
There is a tiny hole in the roof of my mouth that i can suck air through.
Yes, then the semblance of control ends and betrayal begins
The original owners were the moonies lol
if youre doing homework, i recommend writing out truth tables for the statements and comparing, gives you a bit more insight into the statement truth conditions
if you’re doing min(a, b) wouldn’t your target then be 1?
ebay has cheap intel gigabit nics which i havent had issues with
Soros funded organization aimed at destroying western civilization
I made it myself, i’ll see if i can dig it out. Are you on linux or windows?
I used to run a script that recorded the stream while it was live using Streamlink and then i had the vod locally saved. Wont get you access to vods of past streams but the simplest solution for fresh streams.
Put them in a raidz2 situation