Hot Saucerman


Situationists never die, they’re just remixed.

Have you heard of Monsieur Guy Debord?

  • 13 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2020


  • Hot Saucerman@lemmy.mltoPrivacy@lemmy.mlPlease, do not use Brave.
    9 months ago

    making (presumably) thousands of dollars off their users

    I agree with this post completely but for some reason you finishing with this makes me chuckle.

    Oh no! Thousands! They might be able to pay rent for a month or two!

    I’m just being cheeky, and while its true what they did was scummy, it also feels like a really… smallish amount of money?

    If we’re literally just talking thousands, and not tens of thousands, or hundreds of thousands.

    But yeah, fuck Brave.

    Firefox gang and Hardened Firefox gang here to stay.

    Mozilla’s got its own problems but that’s a story for another day.

  • Hot Saucerman@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlAccurate.
    9 months ago

    I’ve been aware long enough of big gaps in the libraries of streaming services that there was never a reason to give it up.

    It took until fucking March of this fucking year for Spotify to have any old De La Soul to stream. Good thing I’ve had a high quality rip of their early discography for fifteen fucking years. Otherwise I would have been shit outta luck on listening to them.

    I couldn’t stream a killer album from fucking 1989 in 2022. There continue to be massive gaps in their libraries due to licensing issues and people who just don’t want to get underpaid by Spotify.

  • Hot Saucerman@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlLinux gaming is fun
    9 months ago

    Funny, on release day, I got downvoted for pointing out they pulled a Blizzard/Overwatch 2.

    Half-baked release with missing content and no new content? Check.

    Release removes previous release, a game that was at one time a paid game? Check.

    I feel like Valve gets way too much of a pass here on this for just being Valve.

  • Hot Saucerman@lemmy.mltoAsklemmy@lemmy.mlWhat brought you to Lemmy?
    10 months ago

    Sort of, I’d say I’m way more of a socialist than communist, but I also think that both capitalism and communism suffer from being very old ideas that actually don’t address issues of the modern world as much as they could. I think about the LGBT community, and remember that communism didn’t just forget they existed, they ran on the same macho bullshit that vilified them for existing as capitalism. Castro admitting he made a mistake in regards to LGBT people near his death bed is far too little, far too late for the lives they destroyed.

    There are valid critiques of both communism and capitalism, but we’ve basically got worldwide capitalism, so the critiques of capitalism simply matter more since it represents the status quo. I’ll worry about critiquing more of socialism/communism when communists actually have real power worldwide beyond China, which is having it’s own struggles right now as well. (Also, most of the critiques of China I have seen fall under propaganda messages from the US/Europe, and fewer of them have real meat of critiquing the actual functions of Chinese politics and how they work.)

    Also, when it comes to theory, I fell in line a little more with people who weren’t strictly communist, like the Situationists. Guy Debord is my pfp for a reason, and that’s because he was fucking brilliant, in my opinion. I have a dog-eared copy of Society of the Spectacle that has more notes in it than any other book I’ve ever read.

    Anyway, yeah. I’d say socialism is as good of a “fit” for me as I can find in existing political ideologies, and even that is more a close fit than a perfect fit. I’m definitely a fan of Critical Theory and the idea that we should always critique the status quo, whatever the status quo may be, because there is no such thing as a perfect world, we can always pursue improvement. If we had worldwide communism, I’d promote critiquing that as well.

  • Hot Saucerman@lemmy.mltoAsklemmy@lemmy.mlWhat brought you to Lemmy?
    10 months ago

    I think you’re misreading me. Racism, sexism, and homophobia weren’t the “politics” I was referring to, because you’re right, those aren’t politics, those are people being trash. I mean the Lemmy developers being socialists/communists didn’t deter me from making an account here, because I’m not some capitalism worshipping pigboy. Their hard-left politics (the kind that led them to banning transphobic EMPRESS) are not scary to me, because I’m not a racist, sexist, homophobic douchebag.

    As for Reddit and its decline. Reddit has been managed by State actors for a long time. At least since 2013ish.


    This is far from the only research paper around controlling discussions online produced by Eglin Air Force Base. They were the “most reddit addicted city” because they’re trying to massage the message into what they want it to be. They flood the site with persona management software and bots to influence the perception of what “people’s opinions are.”

    If you’re in any way a leftist, this alone should have been enough reason to pack up and bail on it, because they are openly going out of their way to try minimize and hide voices like yours.

    EDIT: Here’s another paper on the subject from EAFB, this is the one I 'member from long ago:

  • Taking away your labor power from chucklefucks who use the sweat of your brow to continue to oppress you is good praxis.

    People talk about boycotting by not buying things from certain companies, but not enough people commit to not giving their labor to those companies in exchange for a paycheck. That’s a boycott, too. When you’re working for them, you’re literally helping them believe the dumbfuck shit they believe, and allowing them to use their financial largess to influence the media to promote their dumbfuck bullshit.

    Standing up for the people who no longer are “economically viable” means something. But go ahead, let your boss say your parents should just die when they’re too damaged to work. Laugh with them about it. Go ahead and be a callous asshole who won’t stand up for someone who can’t stand up for themselves.

  • Because the government classifies things when they’re simply embarrassing. It doesn’t need to rise to “national security threat” for the USA to feel the need to quash the ability of citizenry to talk about it. Even if it’s not all that bad and simply embarrassing. They are way too cavalier about using classification powers because they don’t want their dirty laundry aired.

    What’s left to release is probably a lot less exciting than people think.