Trying to bring back Slashdot?
Also the rule of law died yesterday with a whimper.
Trying to bring back Slashdot?
Also the rule of law died yesterday with a whimper.
Don’t come here. Shit’s fucked.
I’ll say no if I need to, there are always other jobs. They’re renting your time not your life, you can tell them no.
It’s likely just staged bullshit so he can be the savior.
You’re responding to a Steve sock puppet account. It might not be him on the other end, likely it isn’t, but it’s his. He wants all the money and doesn’t like to share because he’s a greedy little pigboy.
Rogan Misses The Mark
In other shocking news the sun is hot and space is big.
He’s another mini Elon wannabe, obviously. They’re coming out of the woodwork lately.
I hope people are taking notes so these scum don’t get to skate later when it falls down around their ears.
inb4 some room temp IQ magat says he’s woke
The price difference was huge not long ago. Now it’s much closer and everything is overpriced severely.
That’s not a “back in my day” thing either, do the math on it and where it should be from inflation and where it’s at from gouging are not even close.
And a food dispenser with a lisp.
Maybe in 2012 grocery prices buddy. Not now.
tf is threadiverse lol
Fuck Oracle.
He probably told them to say that on the premise that after it’s done he won’t get punished, because that’s how it’s worked so far.
Because only an idiot pronounces it like “possabell”.
Literally everything about that sentence is disgusting.