Any suggestions? I also tried Turkey.
Any suggestions? I also tried Turkey.
iOS user :(
Doesn’t seem to be available, just credit card or some app that requires a Pakistan phone number.
Thanks for the suggestion, but I mainly use it on iOS.
Hopefully not with the new government
Damn that’s some therapy check mate shit yo
muh freedoms!
being able to see people’s faces is important
“Why yes, we could both kill each other in this tight space, but at least I can see your beautiful face.”
Blows my mind we still need to have this talk. Just wear the fucking mask inside and admire faces outside.
Yeah, along with the dipshits commenting from somewhere safe out in the West or whatever that never learn from history about appeasement that doesn’t work.
No one “wants the war to continue”. But “dipshits” from Poland and countries near Russia know that they will not stop there, and after Ukraine they’re next.
Some kind of federation