Well that description got me to place a hold on it at my library. I have a hard time getting into new authors and have wanted to try her work for some time
Well that description got me to place a hold on it at my library. I have a hard time getting into new authors and have wanted to try her work for some time
And a czar was killed by a revolutionary’s bomb decades before the first of the three socialist revolutions of Russia. Will is slow to build and spent suddenly.
Yeah I’ll die on the Dayton style pizza hill. But seriously most people who come from somewhere with its own style of pizza love that style. For a non hometown favorite Chicago bar style (not deep dish) is excellent.
Midwestern Mexican food is a whole nother beast.
Well that’s just delicious. Beer is often well served by fruity flavors
That makes sense. But also I find it amusing because Romans had the opposite attitude with food of “you know what everything I ever eat needs? A fuck ton of fermented fish sauce”. Which like, both attitudes are great, but it is an amusing evolution of culture over two millennia
New Jersey bought billboards advertising itself in Ohio like a year ago. Very “if you enjoy your state that everyone mocks you may enjoy ours” energy
I visited last year and it was delightful. At times I got a bit frustrated with the coastal elitism from people who couldn’t understand why I love my flyover city, but it’s a nice state and it’s definitely a place I’d be happy to move to if I found work there.
Yeah it’s an unpleasant afternoon the majority of which is from the gathering of financial documents not from the math and filling it out. But if you don’t have government form literacy or basic arithmetic skills I imagine the 1040ez still can be rough. My issue with being expected to fill it out is much more connected to the fact that it just sucks to have to do than the fact that it’s difficult. Though also sometimes it’s a real pain in the ass to get your tax statements from a job you quit like a year prior and moved.
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Lithium isn’t just a metal it’s a metal that has a rapid exothermic reaction with water. Or at least that’s what I remember my high school Chem teacher saying.
What’s funny is he described the sort of thing religious witches do
Yeah but not just any witch
Not just wiccans, all sorts of pagans use it. Because the sort of person who becomes a pagan has a large overlap with the sort of person who loves discworld
Not just legal, it’s fundamentally protected as a right by the first amendment
I wish she was that cool
Probably not given our loved ones often can’t
The problem with conspiracy theories is that even the ones grounded in reality and reasonable evidence attract the sort of people easily drawn into conspiracy theories as well as changing some people into them. And those people eventually find their way into the rabbit hole that leads towards deciding that problems must be caused by someone, and that someone must be those who are different and ends with accusing the Jews and gays of intentionally masterminding the destruction of society.
The inmates have run the asylum so long that anyone merely insane is too sane to run the place
Also as someone who spent a lot of time when I was younger as an untrained suicide counselor, it’s rough on you. Suicidal people should reach out to friends, but understand that if your friends aren’t able to help or keep boundaries there it’s not you, it’s not you being a burden, they may love you very much, but they need to engage in self preservation and the experts have better coping mechanisms, are in therapy, and have professional distance. Being an untrained suicide counselor was both a form of self harm and working through my trauma. I did real good for others and I don’t really regret it, but if you’re feeling the urge to do it, either get trained or get therapy, ideally both. I did later get trained in a form of counseling relevant to my traumas and I’m still comfortable doing that, but suicide counseling is rough at the best of times like being an emotional emt. And like emts they want to get to you in time to help, so if you need them use them, but the untrained are more like first aid, they can keep you around until an emt can get you to a doctor.