Cybersecurity professional with an interest in networking, and beginning to delve into binary exploitation and reverse engineering.

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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: March 27th, 2024


  • Bro who the fuck is “them”? We’re talking about a single person here, I don’t give a flying shit what other people did during Covid. Just so you know, this isn’t fucking debate club, I don’t have to respond to idiotic shit. What you posted and quoted yourself saying is absolute lunatic shit. I had nothing nice to say about it, so I didn’t.

    The sarcasm was obvious. You didn’t get the sarcasm regardless. You could have tried to get some context for like a half second before flying off half cocked about who knows what the fuck.

    Neither is obvious to someone with knowledge of either, but celebrities were forcing it down everyone’s throats during covid. So hard to plead ignorance here…

    Bro I hope English isn’t your first language. If it is I hope you’re actively being driven to the hospital right now because that’s some stroke level shit right there.

    Also seriously what is with people using ellipses like this always having the most brain-dead, straight up lobotomized takes on shit?

  • I grew up in Northern VA, and so many of my childhood friends still up there work in low to mid level jobs for the Federal government or doing IT grunt work for DoD contractor, and “lean Libertarian”.

    Trying to figure out how they don’t realize that they’ll be the first to be culled after the political opposition is a complete mind fuck. Some of them claim the Libertarian label because they’re gay but otherwise Republican. Bro. Some of them claim the Libertarian label because they smoke weed but are otherwise Republican. Bro. Some of them claim the Libertarian label because they support reproductive rights but are otherwise Republican. Bro.

    I’ve tried gently talking sense to a lot of these people for an over decade at this point. It’s slowly built to a point where I’m writing off friendships.

  • I’m just really flabbergasted that almost nobody has a non-docker option… like… it’s Linux, there has to be a good middle ground, right?

    Bro. Debian. People here have said Debian. You’re talking about distros like you’re going to be using this machine to do your personal banking, gaming, or whatever else you use your daily driver pc for. This is a server that will run a service. You can install it on a headless machine if you want. If you don’t want Docker just install Debian and call it a day.

    I mean if you want to try Ubuntu go ahead, but it’s just Debian with some extra shit slapped on top. If you want to try Arch going ahead, but it’s rolling and updates will bork your Plex. If you want to try Kali go ahead, but it’s just Debian with different extra shit slapped on top.

    I’m not trying to be a dick, but I really don’t understand what kind of answer you’re looking for here.

    My recommendation is to run your PMS on TempleOS.