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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • It’s both fun and frustrating learning how to operate it.

    This should be emblazoned somewhere in the initial Linux setup. I’m not in tech by trade, just a hobbyist nerd, and playing with Linux is like if a soulslike game were an OS. I had a terrible time figuring out how to get both monitors to work but eventually did and that felt like a huge win when it finally happened. Had an equally bad time trying to figure out how to install some game software but finally got that sorted and it felt like another big victory. But I still dual boot for now because some days I’m just not ready for the heartburn of dealing with my own ignorance in Linux

  • This has been exactly my stance as well apart from ever having used Win11. Never did and never plan to, downloaded Mint a few months ago to start getting familiar with it. Turns out I’m not real great at technical stuff but I’m getting there. Dual monitors was kind of a booger and now I’m trying to figure out how to install some games since Bottles is being a real wiener about Battle.Net. I’m glad there’s so many resources and forums out there but I still hope some version of Linux gets dumbed down a little more before Win10 sunsets to make the transition easier for us blue collar folk

  • I’ve moved a few times around the US and, like the other commenter, have adopted kind of a mixed dialect. I grew up in the north but spent quite a while in the south, which have VAST cultural differences, and people from the south can tell I’m not one of them while people from the north think I’m from the south. For a little while after my first move from the north to the south, when I was still in my early 20s, I felt out of place but a lot of that was probably just due to being insecure and half a country away from my family. Wife and I moved to a northern state a few years back and we both feel even more out of place here because of the state religion but have accepted that we like being nomadic. We’re mapping out a plan to move to a different part of the south and try that culture, then maybe after a few years move to a different part of the north or possibly a different country because why not. I used to be scared of trying new/unknown things (perk of growing up in a small town) but now I embrace it because there’s so much to learn from different people and cultures. Plus I figure if we keep trying then my wife and I will find our tribe eventually

  • Wife and I moved to UT for work a few years ago. Haven’t made many friends because left no room for misunderstanding about our stance on their state church, but the ones we do like have shared some pretty unsettling stories. We had already spent several years living in one theocracy before moving here, but the deceit, narcissism, and self righteousness here is just incredibly next level. State services like food stamps keep getting whittled away so that people in need can be redirected to the church’s “welfare”, but then the church strongarms the needy into becoming church members before they can receive much. It’s disgusting. Almost as disgusting as when the church applauded the legal decision to protect clergy-“client” confidentiality after it came out that a church member was diddling kids and their church leader did absolutely nothing. So…I mean maybe they ARE kinda family friendly, but in the very worst way?