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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • If we only consider the monetary value, both “briefs” have the same value. Otherwise if we incorporate utility theory with a concave bounded utility curve over the monetary value and factor in other terms such as ease of payments, or weight (of the drawn money) then the “worth” of the 100 dollar bills brief could be greater for some people. For me, the 1 dollar bills brief has more value since I’m considering a potential tax evasion prosecution. It would be very suspicious if I go around paying everything with 100 dollar bills, whereas there’s a limit on my daily spending with the other brief (how many dollars I can count out of the brief and then handle to the other person).

  • from https://www.newsweek.com/jeffrey-epstein-list-full-dozens-names-revealed-1857103 :

    • Ghislaine Maxwell
    • Virginia Lee Roberts Giuffre
    • Kathy Alexander
    • Miles Alexander
    • James Michael Austrich
    • Philip Barden
    • Cate Blanchett
    • David Boies
    • Laura Boothe
    • Evelyn Boulet
    • Rebecca Boylan
    • Joshua Bunner
    • Naomi Campbell
    • Carolyn Casey
    • Paul Cassell
    • Sharon Churcher
    • Bill Clinton
    • David Copperfield
    • Alexandra Cousteau
    • Cameron Diaz
    • Leonardo DiCaprio
    • Alan Dershowitz
    • Dr. Mona Devanesan
    • Bradley Edwards
    • Amanda Ellison
    • Cimberly Espinosa
    • Jeffrey Epstein
    • Annie Farmer
    • Marie Farmer
    • Alexandra Fekkai
    • Crystal Figueroa
    • Anthony Figueroa
    • Louis Freeh
    • Eric Gany
    • Meg Garvin
    • Sheridan Gibson-Butte
    • Robert Giuffre
    • Al Gore
    • Ross Gow
    • Fred Graff
    • Philip Guderyon
    • Shannon Harrison
    • Stephen Hawking
    • Victoria Hazel
    • Brittany Henderson
    • Brett Jaffe
    • Michael Jackson
    • Carol Roberts Kess
    • Dr. Karen Kutikoff
    • Peter Listerman
    • George Lucas
    • Tony Lyons
    • Bob Meister
    • Jamie A. Melanson
    • Lynn Miller
    • Marvin Minsky
    • David Mullen
    • Joe Pagano
    • Mary Paluga
    • J. Stanley Pottinger
    • Joseph Recarey
    • Michael Reiter
    • Jason Richards
    • Bill Richardson
    • Sky Roberts
    • Scott Rothstein
    • Forest Sawyer
    • Doug Schoetlle
    • Kevin Spacey
    • Cecilia Stein
    • Mark Tafoya
    • Brent Tindall
    • Kevin Thompson
    • Donald Trump
    • Ed Tuttle
    • Emma Vaghan
    • Kimberly Vaughan-Edwards
    • Cresenda Valdes
    • Anthony Valladares
    • Maritza Vazquez
    • Vicky Ward
    • Jarred Weisfeld
    • Courtney Wild
    • Bruce Willis
    • Daniel Wilson
    • Andrew Albert Christian Edwards, Duke of York