a lil bee 🐝

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 18th, 2023

  • We can’t get upset at politicians for what we are failing to pay attention to. The democrats are working against it.




    Now, if the concern is “why hasn’t anything worked to fully dismantle this plan”, the answer is that it’s a well-crafted (albeit evil) plan made over decades. It’s not going to have Death Star exhaust ports for the right Democrat Skywalker to shoot a pulse into. It’s going to take a concerted, unified, lengthy effort from politicians and the voters to defeat it. All good things do.

    The poster above gave you a great infographic and there are others online. The route forward involves us sharing with others, collaborating on strategic voting, and forming plans to help the vulnerable around us in the event that it comes to pass. It is stressful, but know you’re sharing that with a ton of people right now.

  • That’s okay, I understand. I don’t disagree with anything you’ve written here. I’m torn on him stepping down myself, so I get it. My response is really just aimed at the commentor above who is complaining about the Democrats for supreme court case results. It’s a Republican court, it’s nonsense. These are separate branches for a reason and they don’t share command structures, so even “the buck stops here” doesn’t apply. In a way, blaming the president for this is pushing the exact sort of ideology the Republicans want right now of a king, not a president. This supreme court was put in place by a man who was voted in by a very tiny majority in a few states. Biden didn’t fail in this case. We, the voters, failed. America, the people, failed.

  • Here’s a quote from the same man:

    It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.

  • This is so far beyond salmon fishing. This is going to weaken every executive agency we have severely. Congress is broken and they’re never going to give piecemeal explicit authority to these agencies for comprehensive work. The EPA, the FTC, the FCC, the SEC, the ATF. They’re all damaged and weakened by today’s ruling and thus so is our environment, our economy, our utilities, and our regulations. This was the conservative wet dream ruling above almost any other this session. This was the Dobbs-style meat thrown to the educated, more lawful evil Republicans.

    Please vote, so we can nominate justices to the Supreme Court. Please help us add another Sotomayor or Jackson instead of an Alito, Thomas, or at this rate, Cannon. Not feeling hopeful right now, but I have to ask.

  • That’s what populism is. Rule of the uneducated, driven by nothing but passion. It’s a legal mob, ripping through the government with pitchforks and torches. I think horseshoe theory is shit, but this is why it exists. Populists don’t rule with law, they rule with anger. That’s the one time I’ll agree with “both sides”, even if I’m likely gonna be on the side that would “win” under a populist left gov. If there is anything the last decade has given me, it’s a burning displeasure with populists who refuse to measure their passions with law and the ideals behind it.

  • Patently untrue at the executive level. Each of the last presidential elections was easily winnable by the other candidate. Even Bush v Gore was avoidable if more people in Florida voted blue. Our elections for representatives are fucked by gerrymandering, but that does not factor into our current Supreme Court who made this decision. Fact of the matter is, if more people would have voted for Hillary (and we all know the tiny margins by now) we would have reproductive rights, empowered federal agencies, and a healthier democracy. We just failed and we need to self-reflect on that instead of just throwing our hands up and saying “rigged” and I would hope after the last few years, everyone can understand why.

  • They withheld the vote on obama’s nominee in order to get a Republican to install them.

    Yup, because they had control of the Senate. They were voted in. I’m not denying that Republicans are immoral, unethical scumbags with the intent to power game the system, but we have no tools to fix that in our current system other than overwhelming it. It only gets worse the longer we wait.

    There really aren’t a lot of other options for the citizenry. You can LARP at revolution or whatever, but I’m not volunteering first and I don’t see a lot of others doing so either. I, and a lot of other vulnerable people, are not going to come out on top, so I’ll pass on that solution.

    Fact of the matter is, we could have elected Hillary in 2016. Sure, there was Republican meddling and Comey and yada yada, but it was fully within our abilities and we failed. The Supreme Court would look entirely different right now and we would still have medical rights. We did flip the senate, so it was fully in play before and then Mitch would not have been able to block the Garland appointment. Those are concrete outcomes from something that was fully possible for us to prevent. So I’m just not comfortable writing off voting as worthless at this stage, even with the acknowledged difficulties, gerrymandering, etc.