That sounds awful
That sounds awful
I’ve watched the entire show and never seen the intro 🤷
Yeah the one in my brain was going off as well.
But they already use cloud storage? What’s different about this? Why wouldn’t you want to use it?
The average frame rate isn’t nearly as important as the stability. I’ll gladly take 30FPS over 60 + frame drops.
I’ve never seen a statement with so many words that said so little. What is Fusion Hub?
Epic gave away nearly 600 million
gameslicenses in 2024
Yeah, Biden did that for Fauci and his (Biden’s) entire family before he left office.
You make a good point. Trump will be out in 4 years and the new gov could possibly charge them then.
E: Trump could probably pardon them if they asked.
The term “sideload” was coined in the late 1990s by online storage service i-drive as an alternative means of transferring and storing computer files virtually instead of physically.
Sounds like it was something very different back then…
Oh merde! You caught me!
They could market shaving to women to increase razor blade sales, because now women employees would have money to spend.
That makes zero sense. Paying people so they can spend a tiny fraction of it back to your company? Why not just keep the money in the first place?
No, they hire them because they’ve run the math and realized it costs less to hire them than that it costs them in sales due to public perception.
It’s a word the industry made up to make installing your own software sound dangerous.
[citation needed]
Prior to the bullshit ass Microsoft Store, sideloading was literally the only way to get shit on Windows.
Yeah, I mean that made sense when it was the only way. There was no need to differentiate. That’s not the case anymore.
What are the rules? And who makes them?
I’m glad you agree.
Yep! In fact there was no app for a good long while.
Why not both?
If you think he will “fail” it’s because you misunderstand his intentions.