That’s a mighty fine line to walk 🧐
I swear I’m not Jessica account for @[email protected]
That’s a mighty fine line to walk 🧐
the rich
New prequel chapters are being written
I think it could not have been any other way and I myself am like “ceos bad”, but that the healthcare execs rejoiced when things went the way of ‘kill all ceos’ instead of ‘reform american healthcare system’ since attainable goal of Universal Healthcare was replaced by something that would encounter widespread resistance.
No reform for anything is happening under Trump, so calling it “attainable” is inaccurate. It might be popular, but the oligarchy has rotted the Democrats to the point of the Affordable Care Act taking everything they had to pass. It’s why the progressives couldn’t get enough relief for the recession; they spent all their political capital on such a basic measure.
This is true, but that doesn’t mean retribution has no place. As a tool of terror, it can be quite effective. As a way to disrupt their ability to harm us, it can also be effective.
I hope Santa delivers bombs down certain people’s chimneys 🙏
America’s “protectors” hard at work
All the good things in life!
But it’s almost perfectly safe so long as you avoid the fan 😁👍
The Results of My Author/Classmate Discovering My Yuri Obsession
It’s more like: “The air is so hot that sweating is basically useless!”
I heard it might be because of my latex allergy. Apparently allergies can generalize and get worse over time (。╯︵╰。)
Hera creating permanent star clusters in the sky for all to see every time she spills her breastmilk:
Milktopia, dominated by mammals obsessed with milk?
Not quite right. How about:
Homotropolis, dominated by homosapians obsessed with homosex?
Closer, but what about:
Earth, dominated by earthlings obsessed with earth?
Fairly accurate, but ever since we moved away from agrarian societies, we don’t care nearly enough about earth. Unless of course, we consider our obsession with exclusive control of territory and property, in which case it totally checks out.
It’s inaccurate in relation to how much a 43 month waitlist problem would cost in the US. Unless you’re seeking care that has been politicized, the US costs should have a couple zeros added to be a comparable exaggeration. Costs in this country seem like they should be a joke, but shit is really that expensive.
My main gripe is that humans don’t have much meat on them. It works in a pinch, but the effort needed to eat so far outside of our normal pallette isn’t worth it.
That said, I would be in favor of letting nature decompose our bodies more. I hate having to waste so much effort on disposing of bodies, especially once I die. I want my body to get torn apart by animals, not buried with holy rites. Mummification is the only burial practice that seems kinda cool. Cremation seems unnecessary, especially if I can get eaten by something instead. Just take what’s useful, chop me up a bit, and throw me in the compost!