Women are not available.
My phone knows too much…
Women are not available.
My phone knows too much…
The images are not actually the captcha. They’ve used other methods and tools to verify your authenticity, then they force you to help train their image recognition AI under the guise of it being the actual captcha. Its Distributed Forced Labor, and Google has been using captchas to do this for decades. Remeber the picture-of-two-words captcha? One word was always squiggly and the other was not. The squiggly word was the real captcha, the other word was from a scanned book and you were helping to train their OCR algorithms.
I mean, that article doesnt provide any proof that its wallpaper, and that would be some ugly-ass wallpaper if it is. Who would ever put that in a house? Also theres no discernable repeating pattern to it, though maybe we just cant see enough.
Without surface tension, water would evaporate much faster in general. Probably could set out a cup of water in the morning and it would be gone by bedtime.
The context of this picture if I recall, is that it was a costume for a Halloween party… which if true completely removes the cringe factor of the outfit, as youre supposed to wear silly costumes for that. If Elon had an ounce of social acuity he would just own it.
And even if its not a Halloween costume, I dont get the hate for someone having fun dressing up. There are a billion other reasons, as you mentioned, to hate him.
Wristwatches are just jewelry at this point tbh. They’ve been rendered completely redundant by cell phones. The only people under 60 who wear them are doing so as a fashion statement.
I’m sure a lot of wristwatch stans will downvote me but I don’t care I’m still right
Last I heard he lives alone in a mansion in beverly hills all sad and depressed in his piles of money that can never replicate the true feeling of human connection and friendship that he yearns for. I almost kinda feel bad for him, but then I remember hes only sad and lonely cause hes an asshole.
I disagree. The teabag is a welcome replacement to having to have yet another unitasker in the kitchen.
No, that complicates things way too much. Simplicity in design is beauty. A real engineer would recognize the tag on the string not only as a point a confusion, but also a superfluous feature. Simply remove it. The end user will have to use a spoon supplied by themselves to remove the teabag, but thats their problem. At least there is actually tea in the cup at that point.
She could’ve just open with that “Hey lets muck about in the woods looking for cool bugs”
“You son of a bitch, I’m in.”
I think he overreacted a bit, not to having his package name forcibly taken from him, but to being asked to give it up in the first place. Kik explained to him that they have to fight this or lose their tradmark because thats how trademark law works. His response was basically “haha fuck you”. He probably could’ve asked for a couple thousand and just changed the name of his project and everything would’ve been fine.
Wtf is wrong with you? Orange IS the best flavor!
The mommy half-orc and the daddy half-orc, duh.
old man noises
Back in my day orcs were savage monsters and we had to settle for playing half-orcs!
Shhhh if you say it like that people’s heads will explode
Literally all I want is for my government to manage capitalism instead of capitalism managing my government.
I am certain that Elon will try to co-opt Trump’s cult following and be his political successor when Trump finally kicks the bucket, and that legitimately terrifies me. Elon will run for pres in the next 20 years I’d bet on it.
Here let me try to solve all of it’s issues:
Get rid of the vacuum idea to reduce complexity and points of failure.
Move track above ground to reduce manufacture/maintenance costs.
Make the “pods” longer and chain multiple pods together to increase efficiency.
Wait a minute… 🤔 🚉
Elon has all but admitted that the hyperloop was just a distraction to derail California’s public rail plans, and now that that ship has sailed he doesnt give a shit about hyperloop anymore. The Hyperloop concept is literally just a tool that Elon uses to prevent development of public transport in California so that people will buy more teslas instead.
Just run your prod env in debug mode! Problem solved.