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Joined 26 days ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2024


  • On the one hand I’ve been thinking about leaving the country. I really don’t think Canada is a safe move. Especially because it’s the first thought for so many left wing Americans and it’s so close. I also don’t think it’s inconceivable that a more dictitorual Trump ends up invading Canada…I’ve been thinking about trying to live in Vietnam myself… I figure if they can keep the USA out then international politics isn’t something id have to worry about to much there. They’re actual leftists and the money I have here should stretch even farther there to help the transition. I’ve also tried to talk a few friends into coming along with me if it goes bad we’ll see how that works I’m going to try to get 15ish friends to agree hopefully at least a few will follow through.

    The other side of my mind thinks that’s extreme and doesn’t want to leave. That side does think that getting some rice and beans one of those giant rechargeable batteries with solar panels is a good idea though.

  • All right for starters, lazyness doesn’t exist he was exactly right there. I mostly here this idea from other leftists. If you were a farmer and planted a bunch of seeds and some of those seeds never grew you wouldn’t say they’re lazy seeds You’d Stay their environment sucked and work on changing the soil or plant different seeds suited to that environment.

    People are the same way as seeds. Our behavior changes based on environment. we are constantly ashamed for being lazy for not wanting to work that’s not true, the environment just sucks ie the soil should be worked on, we should blame the farmers(ie the wealthy and powerful, those with real agency) not the seeds (working class people with less agency like you and me).

    The only way these people whether it be the wealthy or politicians maintain power over so many of us is by somehow tricking us into prioritizing their wants and needs over our own. No evil empire exists in a star of wide spread selfish anarchy. For something like that to exist you need tons of people in that Empire who will prioritize it over themselves. The over whelmingly vast majority of not all people who are under the boot of capitalism and imperialism would be better off without it and it is in their own self-interest to pursue getting it the fuck off of them. That’s a selfishness I can get behind.

    The best motivated to get people active politically is to promote their own selfish interest. Shaming people into voting for someone they don’t want to doesn’t work. For example Hillary Clinton in 2016. You have to get your base excited for things that are in their own selfish interest.

    I think there might also be a point of miscommunication. I’m not saying caring about the interests of others is bad in fact I think we are our best when we look after others but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t pursue our own selfish interest as well. For example I’m not affected directly by the genocide and cause of but I yell people about it almost every day not sure if I’m helping but I’m trying. At the same time it is very much in my personal self-interest to change how housing is done in the US. I will pursue that very selfishly.

    Does that help?

  • StinkySocialist@lemmy.mltoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldContext
    4 days ago

    Most student loans have not been canceled claiming that student loans have been canceled. It’s just ingenuous and again it’s the whole fake Biden is killing it narrative. Be honest.

    Non-Competes are still in effect that ruling does not go into effect until September at the earliest and it is subject to many Court challenges before it will probably not happen. Regardless, it has not happened yet.

    You say the problem is being worked on in these things take time for multiple things. In other words, Biden has not done anything on these fronts. You cannot give Biden credit for something that he has not done lol.

    This is what I mean. Biden is milk toast at best. He’s really just slowing our rate of decline more than he is actually doing a good job. The insistence that he is killing it or doing a good job when he is not and people are suffering is a bad strategy politically.

    This giant list of things that turns out to be bs is the kind of thing making people more disillusioned. Stuff like this lowers voter turnout. Democrats lose when voter turnout is low. Do you see where this gets bad?

  • Friendly stranger. I do not know what we disagree on.

    The only thing I can see is I think Biden should have done more to pack the court and for not doing that. He is now partially responsible for the things we were seeing come from them. I’ve seen people arguing that doing so when he had that slim majority in the Senate wouldn’t have been effective and been political suicide but I disagree. I think a lot more people would be willing to vote for him if he had done it. I would be much more enthused about this candidate if you had done it. I believe the real reason he didn’t is because he didn’t want to. I don’t believe there is a way for us to prove this one way or the other. I respect your opinion. I just disagree with it.

    I believe we want the same things. My original comment was only to point out that a lot of people are acting like Biden is doing all the things we want and is actually good instead of just a less right-wing candidate. I just want more straightforward and honest communication around this.

    My original comment is just saying I do not like this false narrative that Biden is killing it when he is really not doing much good and continuing a lot of evil. Totally agree, he’s better than Trump and I think that should just be the end of our messaging. We’re honestly the Democratic party needs to find a way to make someone else the nominee. I don’t think if we stay coarse the Dems win.

  • StinkySocialist@lemmy.mltoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldContext
    4 days ago

    That’s partially true. But some of the time it was just the Dems holding it up like manchin or Cinema. Also Biden’l has also not put things forward that he said he would. Like when he had the majority in the Senate in the house he did not try to pack the court. The negative things we’ve seen in the last 4 years are from the supreme Court that Biden never tried to pack despite claiming he would.

    I hate the Republicans just as much as you do, maybe more honestly. All I’m saying is the Dems suck too. They’re basically trying to hand this election the Trump like they did in 2016.

  • StinkySocialist@lemmy.mltoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldContext
    4 days ago

    Student loans have not been canceled

    Non-Competes are still in effect

    We still have the world’s highest prison population.

    Landlords are still price fixing and rent is still out of control

    Amazon, Google and apple nor any other large companies have been broken up with antitrust

    Despite giving the IRS funding, the rich are still not paying taxes

    Allowing Medicare to negotiate was pretty great. I’ll give you that.

    “In what way (other than Gaza) is he not doing a good job?”

    I don’t know if you’ve been to America or met most Americans, but most of us are really struggling. There’s a housing crisis. Most people can’t afford to live on their own. There’s a ton of food insecurity. Education is abysmal. I mean the whole thing’s just fucked. This pretending things are really good right now and gaslighting Americans and trying to shame them into voting for Biden is part of the problem by the way.