• 1 Post
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 8th, 2023


  • Your missing the part in the middle where you spend 6 months telling them in no uncertain terms that the thing they are asking is stupid and will not work properly/safely.

    Various back and forth emails, a completely “justified” performance review program because of your “falling standards” and several meetings with various managers at different levels of “importance”.

    Also the “You’re absolutely correct, ENJOY” is written at the bottom of your resignation letter or told to them directly in your “redundancy” exit interview.

  • Senal@programming.devtoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldgotdamn
    6 days ago

    That “rape aside” is doing a lot of heavy lifitng there and conveniently sweeps away the need to actually address anything that isn’t the “had sex, your fault” narrative you seem to be espousing here.

    Especially given that there is little to no effort being given to exemptions of any kind.

    Nobody is denying that sex is how babies are (usually) made, i mean apart from the “this book is the literal truth” christians i suppose.

    or you’re trolling, in which case, congratulations…i guess.

  • I mean, yes? That’s a good summation.

    The part where you get to call something “open source” by OSI standards (which I’m pretty sure is the accepted standard set) but only if you adhere to those standards.

    Don’t want to adhere, no problem, but nobody who does accept that standard will agree with you if you try and assign that label to something that doesn’t adhere, because that’s how commonly accepted standards work, socially.

    Want to make an “open source 2 : electric boogaloo” licence , still no problem.

    Want to try and get the existing open source standards changed, still good, difficult, but doable.

    Relevant to this discussion, trying to convince people that someone claiming something doesn’t adhere to the current, socially accepted open source standards, when anybody can go look those standards up and check, is the longest of shots.

    To address the bible example, plenty of variations exist, with smaller or larger deviations from each other, and they each have their own set of believers, some are even compatible with each other.

    Much like the “true” 1 open source licences and the other, “closely related, but not quite legit” 2 variations.

    1 As defined by the existing, community accepted standards set forth by the OSI

    2 Any other set of standards that isn’t compatible with 1

    edit: clarified that last sentence, it was borderline unparseable

  • “It’s not libre / free as in freedom so it’s wrong”.

    I think it’s more “It’s not libre / free as in freedom so it’s not open source, don’t pretend it is”.

    The “wrong” part would be derived from claiming its something that it isn’t to gain some advantage. I’m this case community contributions.

    There’s not a handwaving distinction between open source and not, there are pretty clear guidelines.

  • I don’t know about the fairness of this particular company but by that rationale nothing can ever be fair, just by existing we increase the suffering. Its how the world is.

    Think headphones jacks don’t cause suffering at some point in the chain?

    Not that I’m disagreeing, just not sure how things would get named under this specific scheme.

    Does it assume that it’s generally understood that everything is a little harmful in some way, so as long as you don’t claim otherwise, it’s cool or would everything need to be measured on some sort of average harmfulness scale and then include the rating in the title.

    Like “Horrendously harmful Apple” or “Mildly harmful Colgate”

    A bit hyperbolic perhaps.

    Genuinely not trying to start a fight, actually interested in what you think would be a good way of doing this, as I’ve occasionally pondered it myself and never come up with a good answer.

    Incidentally, this is one of the core plotlines to later seasons of “The good place”