• 2 Posts
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: December 31st, 2023

  • There is a famous saying: “the buck stops here”.

    It means that when someone is in charge, they assume responsibility for whatever happens under their command, rather than whinging about it being not their fault.

    Trump seems to have never heard of this quote. However, that is irrelevant now bc as a former President, what are we expecting of him? Rather, we have expectations for the current one, which are either being met or they are… not.

    Your graphic does not explain why it is not the job of a leader to do things to protect the democracy of this nation?

    Oh well, soon enough there may not be political parties anymore and we won’t have to worry about any of this.

  • She will never run, so moving on.

    Could this be a good time to advance AOC? Probably the hit jobs done on her rep were too effective though.

    What about Pete Buttigieg? Conservatives will never vote for him, ofc, but I don’t know about the handful of people that actually matter.

    Hey, if we are swallowing our noses, would Liz Cheney have a better chance against Trump? It’s sort of like chopping off both of your arms but… given the alternatives facing us atm - Trump vs. hope against facts that somehow Biden will beat Trump, which is starting to look like just another road to Trump - it might be worth a gamble despite everything? Or fucking Mitt fucking Romney (fucking)? 🤮

    Basically it’s Trump vs. whoever isn’t Trump. Then we re-do all of this over again 4 years from now, or really 2 bc of midterm elections.

  • Also, his debates last time weren’t… ideal, but he at least remained awake during them!? Anyway, I’m with you: I understand someone wanting him to win, but how on earth can this be considered a done deal already?

    There is a time and a place to stop all questions and get to work. But we aren’t there yet!? And being ready to change one’s mind based on the most current set of facts is literally the hallmark of the Age of Enlightenment, as opposed to e.g. the divine right of rulers to continue for as long as they wish to?

  • Perhaps you missed the last almost 4 years where people were doing precisely that. There was this whole thing with Ron Desantis, and Nikki Haley, and the brainworms inside of JFK, Jr., etc. It didn’t work, and his base chose Trump, if not unanimously then close enough to it, and also far back enough in the past for such a call to not be relevant anymore. Plus conservatives are just different kinds of people - for them, power is not bestowed upon someone by We The People, but ripped out of the people’s hands by force of will. Might does make Right after all, in their playbook.

    But Dems are not choosing Biden. Also, no primaries are being held. So asking him to drop out is the last hope before holding your nose and voting for him anyway, hoping against hope that just like for Hillary, others do as well (although in that case… well, I’m sure this time will be different. Why am I sure? Bc… shut up, that’s why!:-P /s).

  • OpenStars@discuss.onlinetopolitics @lemmy.worldBiden Must Resign
    6 hours ago

    I am not sure that I agree, but you clearly articulated your point so I am upvoting nonetheless:-).

    For myself, it depends on the facts, which I am not in full possession of. Everyone has bad days imho - that’s not “news” at all - but more important is what that performance indicates about his current state. And more importantly, the state he would be in 4 years from now.

    This puts the nail in coffin, so to speak, on the idea that he would even live through his Presidency, much less remain salient throughout. A vote for him is a vote for Harris, as the article suggests, and talks about how acknowledging that reality might help pick up more independent voters that could turn the tide of the election.

    Oh well, it’s not like it is up to any of us.

  • OpenStars@discuss.onlinetopolitics @lemmy.worldBiden Must Resign
    6 hours ago

    Hrm, account that joined 36 minutes ago - and btw wow, what a username!!!:-P - what I actually said was:

    Not good enough, and also btw a violation of the rules of [that other] community. Would you like an opportunity to change someone’s mind using logical articulation rather than merely emotionally venting your random surface thoughts? e.g., perhaps while doing that you could demonstrate that you actually read the article rather than merely the title? These are weighty matters, and not to be taken lightly. But perhaps I’m the horseshit for hoping that people could have rational and logical discussions on a social media website.

    They spoke, and I spoke back. We are still not the same. But one thing I will hold to: the Truth. Which is that I am horseshit indeed, for hoping for more from this social media site where when users are blocked they simply make a new username and continue - bc other people’s “no” is just another opportunity to evade the block and turn it into a “yes”.

  • OpenStars@discuss.onlinetopolitics @lemmy.worldBiden Must Resign
    7 hours ago

    I’m so close to blocking this community. Its Rule #5 states:

    Vote based on comment quality, not agreement. This community aims to foster discussion; please reward people for putting effort into articulating their viewpoint, even if you disagree with it.

    Instead, it’s basically a leftist version of a right-wing echo chamber where if you don’t support your candidate hard enough then you get downvoted into oblivion. Which is meh personally, but on the wider scale also shuts down interesting conversations that could result, if people felt more free to actually articulate their positions, using coherent logical formulations mind you. And even that is fine I suppose, if that’s what this community wants to be, then it is on me to seek out what I want elsewhere.

    I may not agree with someone, but I will defend to the death their right to speak.

    Anyway, sorry OP that your The Atlantic article - a liberal media source if I ever heard of one - is getting downvoted to oblivion in spite of the rules of this community specifically asking for the opposite behavior. Fwiw I cross posted it to another news community in case that helps.

  • OpenStars@discuss.onlinetopolitics @lemmy.worldYour vote isn't enough.
    9 hours ago

    Right, we had a plutocracy, but even the fiction of the fraction of democracy that we used to have was fairly good - e.g. it took 400+ years but black people are now perhaps 4/5ths rather than a mere 3/5ths of a person. Man, politics is depressing:-(.

    Still, I suspect we will look back and wish that we had kept it, as opposed to the alternative we are heading for.

  • I for one have not read the original text of the actual ruling. To be clear, nor would I understand the legalese wording if I had.

    I think we are just waiting to be told how to feel about it, by people who actually know stuff. And they are probably afraid of getting killed (literally) at this point.

    Like Biden has known about the Supreme Court’s bent for awhile now, and the Heritage Foundation too, but what does he do about it all? I mean… did you see the last debate? Regardless of that, how does his excuse hold water that he was jet lagged from traveling, when that was literally weeks ago in the past? This is our white knight savior who we all look to in order to save us all, with no effort required on our parts, except maybe to go vote, not even as often as once a year?

    Similar to climate change, whatever is going to happen, I suspect it already has, possibly up to or more than a decade ago. And that’s about all I can guess at. Note that I’m not trying to be fatalistic, but if this attempt at realism appears similar to that, perhaps there’s a reason.