I think therea a lot of little racism along the way that inadvertently affected whites as the middle class dwindled and the number of poor whites increased.
So, all rooted in racism, maintained by classism, I’d say.
I think therea a lot of little racism along the way that inadvertently affected whites as the middle class dwindled and the number of poor whites increased.
So, all rooted in racism, maintained by classism, I’d say.
Not silly, that’s a common cleaning technique from janitor/cleaning staff i was told a while back. Use a little bit of what causes the stain/gunk and it helps break down the bonds by binding with the already-solidified object and trying to mix with it, weakening/changing the concentration of the ‘stuck’ substance
This guy skips nose day
Silence after a source is my favorite thing about discussions
Sees the article, sees the claim, sees the rebuttal, sides with brain worm man?
I gotta get off this rock.
He’s not blaming individuals, he’s blaming a collective. A conglomerate of willfully ignorant, and often hateful, voters. So yes, don’t personally attribute this to Bill So-and-so, but if you see Bill fly a confederate flag and talk about trans kids, you know Bill is part of the collective and you can go ahead and add some blame on his pile.
But in the US, the average reading comprehension stopped around 6th grade. I don’t think a good chunk of Americans under 35 have more than a VERY passing knowledge of Mussolini (and they probably confuse half of it with Stalin)
Those of us that know now remove as much of her equipment as possible before it happens. I like to think the girl now knows it’s coming too, or is deeply concerned about being asked to go into battle with her starting gear again
Start a thread for that instead of commenting on one specifically for America
My brother is a car salesman, I was a car salesman, it’s sleaze all the way to the top. Never met an honest car salesman, and the ones that were semi decent were still pumping their fists over 12-pounders sold to unwitting and often financially compromised individuals
“Don’t manage someone else’s money” was the sentiment I was told time and again if i dared bring up how shitty it was to even offer an old woman with poor credit a $700/mo payment on a shit CVT ass lease.
You don’t have to be a cop, you don’t have to sell insurance, you don’t have to sell cars. Calling jobs primarily inhabited by manipulative people ‘slimy’ is just how that works.
Fuck Ivan Moody, i loved motograter’s sound but the five finger death punch turn and then subsequent military fallatiating killed him for me
Do i want to sell all my worldly possessions for one more chance at a chromed out Common joker? No. Will I? Yes
Adding all the points together feels useless as a metric. But 2.6 per individual doesn’t sound as drastic as I was expecting leaded gas to impact. Still bad, just not what I’d call a huge impact.
Someone still took the time to downvote your opinion that it ‘was fine’. The vitriol towards any positive or neutral comment is why I think it’s a specific group of people actually complaining, a fair share with “it could have been better, and it’s not my style of rpg anymore”, and the remainder just being relatively neutral to happy that they got more dragon age.
But, to drive home in case it isn’t clear, I love Dragon Age and I think this one ranks higher than Inquisition (but not trespasser DLC), on par with 2, and above 1 for me. I do not think it’s a Pinnacle of modern writing, it definitely suffered from some development struggles and that comes through in the final act as things get a little rushed and content feels more like a drip than a faucet. But then it wraps up well, or I thought it did.
It can use improvements, but I feel about it as i felt about 2 when it came out. “This is a change, and I’m not sure it’s what i wanted, but I do like the universe and the combat is a lot of fun and the characters as a whole are interesting”.
I only see that in some communities. Most of the people that hate on veilguard, from what I’ve seen, either haven’t played the game or are clipping parts out of context.
The complaints I’ve seen that aren’t “dur hur, binary qunari” talk about the shaky dialogue in the beginning, where things felt awkward and clunky, like a new team forming. I’ll give credence to the complaints about some depth being lost in the characters versus other games in the series, but I think those people feel that way because Inquisituon was a bloated mess (that I love) and they’ve played 1 and 2 so many times in different ways they’re meshing all the dialogue into one. Playing through veilguard a second time, and watching my partner take different choices than me, made the characters on par with Mass Effect 2 allies. Which, I’d say isn’t an accomplishment so much as a mild chastisement that it hasn’t improved since then.
Dracula flow will never not be funny to me. The cadence is just perfect
Is that how airlines work where you are? It’d be wild for me to not pick my seat
Yeah, because we were stupid back then lol. I still have some people swear to me that using a mouse is a crutch, but those are getting fewer and farther between
They were saying that, if you at least voted, you’ve lifted a finger.
I feel you though. Being a lone voice in a county that went like 93% Trump, it definitely feels like my vote doesn’t matter. Hell, our mayor at the time was caught drunk driving with his niece in the car after a fundraiser, told the cop ‘do you know who i am’ and threatened his job, and he STILL won by a lot.