Hopefully they find a way to apply the fix permanently. I just did 2 RGH3 mods over the weekend which is the easiest hardware mod for the 360 and it was more challenging than I expected.
Thank you for being a good person ☺️
I would fucking love that. I find it unlikely but I really want to work in space manufacturing without moving to the USA. I know there are a handful of companies here, but not enough.
I may be kinky, but not dodecahedron levels of kinky.
This seems like a flaw in the post and not my answers ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Fuck sphere, marry antiprism, kill dodecahedron.
A good use for hostile architecture, unlike spiked steps that stop people from sitting on them.
It’s not just the FAA, it’s all aviation medicals. I’m a Canadian pilot who hasn’t been able to fly for years due to a ridiculously harsh ruling from our medical board requiring years of tests and thousands of dollars out of pocket if I ever want to have the chance to fly again. All over something my local aviation doctor predicted would take a month or two and I’d be back in the air. I tried to fight it but the review process is a joke and took a year before they even contacted me about my case. By that point I had dropped out of the university where I was doing my training to become a commercial pilot.
The big issue is aviation has zero tolerance for risk. Feeling depressed? Medical revoked. Issues sleeping? Medical revoked. Chest aches? Medical revoked. All it can take sometimes is a small issue. The thing is that, lets be honest, given the choice no-one really wants to get on a plane with a depressed or sleep deprived pilot. It’s added risk, so instead we require our pilots to be the healthiest one can be. But everyone has issues, even if you know it or not. There’s a reason alcohol abuse is so common in aviation. The thing that really needs to get figured out is, what’s the solution here? We either make pilots to continue to hide any health issues they have from their aviation medical doctor and pretend they don’t exist, until one day something horrible but totally preventable happens, or we start addressing the medical issues pilots face and being more lenient on what would take away their medical certificate - but then if something happens as a result the liability is now on the aviation governing body for allowing someone with a known issue to fly. The aviation medical system is fundamentally broken but I have no clue how it can be fixed.
And you get some delicious orange juice after!
It is true what they say… Women are from Omicron Persei 7, men are from Omicron Persei 9.
My hard drives got held up in shipping :/ No clue how much extra this will cost me, I may end up refusing the package if it’s too delayed as it would probably end up cheaper to buy new from retailers here if Trump holds true on matching retaliatory tarrifs.
I don’t think he actually said that though, the only quote I saw that included the word dumb was “It’s not in my habit to agree with The Wall Street Journal. Donald, they point out that even though you’re a very smart guy, this is a very dumb thing to do”.
No, any weather radar around here is either owned / operated by airports or the military. Although if the price were low enough that’d be a pretty cool hobby to get into, with many legal hurdles I’m sure lol. I’m sure some individuals would pay for the premium weather provider who have the radars, that’s what I’m proposing they scrape the data from. Like you say, emergency data is really where this will hurt people, especially in areas with hurricanes and tropical storms.
Oh I know it takes a lot of work, but that’s why I have a hard time understanding where the profit will come from. And why couldn’t they just scrape the current weather along with the current forecast to share? Sure it may not be updated with the latest and greatest info we’ve come to expect, but it wasn’t that long ago that the forecast was obtained daily in the paper. I know I sure as hell won’t be paying for it (put aside from the fact I’m Canadian (for now…)), I’d sooner get an anemometer and start taking my own readings.
The pain in his expression was the most relatable thing I’ve seen from a world leader possibly ever.
I still don’t see how they plan to privatize weather forecasting. All it takes is one or two people from each city to scrape the data and upload it to a free alternative site. It’s not like health care where each person needs individualized care, it’s more like streaming services and we’re all seeing how that’s going. Never thought the future would involve pirating weather forecasts…
I don’t know if I would call it lying per-se, but yes I have seen instances of AI’s being told not to use a specific tool and them using them anyways, Neuro-sama comes to mind. I think in those cases it is mostly the front end agreeing not to lie (as that is what it determines the operator would want to hear) but having no means to actually control the other functions going on.
I slept like a baby through it. I did feel the first one, but that was during the day while at work.
Good luck, it’s been 280 days since I put in for my renewal and it’s still apparently only passes the initial review. Called about 4 times now, no help at all. Maybe the AB CFO will be a bit better for time.