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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: January 28th, 2024


  • I used to live in Volusia County, where a kid died from meningitis recently. The city of Oak Hill had the audacity to call the school “Burns Science and Technology” Charter School.

    The town that it’s in had a history of being populated by people who were hiding out from the cops, most of them for drug charges and about 10 years ago, their entire police force was fired because of meth use. The county is now in charge there.

    This is a town that is in the process of being gentrified, but it is still very much full of ill-informed rednecks that are hostile to any kind of governance.

    The fact that a kid died because of the ignorance of the State of Florida is an absolute tragedy, full stop.

    And this city is also responsible because they know that vaccines are necessary to prevent this kind of thing, and they chose to ignore both common sense and logic.

    Ron DeSantis only set the precedent for Florida to be able to let this happen. The kid’s parents are to blame, along with the city of Oak Hill and Volusia County. Shame on the lot of them.

  • your dad is an old school uneducated bigot.

    You’re not wrong. The ordeal was basically him saying to his friend “You know (friend’s name), if I had a son that was ‘queer’ I don’t think I’d mind.” His friend tried to basically just agree with him, but it was awkward, mostly because the conversation was apropos of nothing; just brought up out of nowhere.

    To this day, I struggle with hearing the word ‘queer’ as something other than a slur and I feel bad even saying it just because of the negative connotation in which my dad used it. I know that it isn’t and that people who identify as such use the word proudly, as well they should, but I’ve had to hear it as a word that meant something bad my whole life. I’m working on changing that way of thinking, but it’s been tough.

    To your other point, if Jesus were real, he wouldn’t take a single Christian (Save for maybe Dolly Parton) to “heaven.”

    My boss is a hard core “Christian” that has hot-take opinions on things like immigration. I asked him if “Jesus” would approve of his opinion on that and his exact words were “I don’t care what Jesus said.” None of them actually believe a word of what they hear at church. They just recite what they hear, a la “bros” that quote ESPN. It’s all one big act that they’re all in on, but no one wants to break the fourth wall, so to speak.

  • Thank you. I was far more fortunate than a lot of my LGBTQ brothers and sisters. My dad tried to talk to me about it once when I was about 12, but he decided to take me on a fishing trip with one of his friends. I felt cornered, so I just avoided their questions. They were both vocally anti-gay, so it was a moot point regardless.

    I feel you on the separation of church and state, though. I live in Tennessee and apart from there being giant crosses that get used as landmarks, but the whole state may as well just be a huge billboard for the Christians. That’s not even mentioning the fact that Christians graffiti under bridges and post signs there that say “Repent: The Lord is coming” and other little Jesus catchphrases. Last I checked, spray painting government property was a crime and so is littering (I consider the signs the same as dumping trash).

    Nothing gets done about it because, at this point, Christianity is state sponsored terrorism. I don’t know what else to call it.

  • Let me say this unequivocally so there’s no way to get it twisted; Christians are my enemy. I don’t have a single reason to break them down by denomination to figure out which lunatic sect is better or worse than the others. They are all equally worthless.

    Just exactly what are you saying? Because you’ve been trying to guilt trip me about leaving this den of shit bags for the entire thread… Saying I’m “leaving people behind to die” which is incredibly dramatic seeing as I’m still here at present.

    And keep in mind, I’ve been behind enemy lines doing my fucking part my entire adult life. There’s nothing else I can do. Not that my vote in a red state did much of anything at all. Exactly what do you expect me to do? Have you never been to Tennessee? They threaten to attack city council members for just asking them to clean up their yards. We’re not talking about some idyllic Southern caricature here. This is a place full of “God Hates Fags” bumper stickers and even the police are scared to pull over people in pickup trucks because they know those people are carrying weapons. This isn’t going to be a boastful march out of town for me. It’s sneaking out under the cover of darkness.

  • Those percentages are meaningless. If I walk into a restaurant and see a guy at a table with 9 Nazis, I see a table with 10 Nazis.

    Christianity has 2 groups left; the people who are fascist motherfuckers and the people that condone fascist motherfuckers because they get what they want out of it. That’s 99% of the South. That other 1% are people who need to leave.

    I don’t have any inclination whatsoever to engage with the Christians. None. They want to start shit, I’ll be glad to finish it with a fucking smile on my face, but I’m not into fighting the American Al-Qaeda alone and I damn sure don’t have any reason to live amongst them in the meantime because you think I have a duty to do so.

  • Using religion as a basis to change laws is what they do. It’s why they were threatened, under the penalty of death, by most of the countries in Europe, to leave. Everybody was sick of their shit. Imagine a massive group of Marjorie Taylor Greens. That is what sailed to America. Imagine being a Native American, living your best life, and that is what shows up on your shores.

    This narrative that Christians left to “avoid religious persecution” was started by, you guessed it, the Christians, who are always the “victims” even when they themselves initiated the problem. The truth is, they came here so they could continue to persecute others. How many infected blankets did they hand out to the natives, knowing it would kill them? They have always been terrible people. Always.

    The founding fathers were not even Christians, they were deists. At that time, just like today, you can’t make a law without including the Christians or they’ll destroy society. They have to be getting talked about favorably or they kill everyone around them; the inquisition, the Nazis, etc… All done by Christians. And yet we made them a federally protected class. For what? What warrants that? They aren’t threatened. They’re not a minority class, that is to say, not a small number of the population… They have churches seemingly on every corner in every city and town in the country. Everyone else has to be protected from them.

    And one of the lesser, yet still egregious tactics that they use is to have prayer meetings at public schools and at jobs. I’ve lived in the South my entire life and almost every place I’ve ever worked, there’s been a morning meeting where somebody prays at the end.

    We, as a society, need to reevaluate the need to list religion as a protected class, because let’s face it, the Christians think their religion is the only one that meets that criteria. They are nothing but a federally defended terrorist group.

  • I’m all for an LGBTQ “Underground Railroad”-esque method of getting us out of harm’s way. What I’m against is the notion by another commenter that I should have to stay here and help the people who, for whatever reason, are so poor that they can’t pack stuff in boxes and leave. The goalpost can’t just move that much. If your life is in danger, you don’t just stay put because you might not financially recover. That’s bullshit. And no one should stick around, under consequence of death, to help me. What kind of person just folds their arms as days “I’m not leaving until someone else risks their life to help me.”

    Also, my initial comment was that nothing in the Bible belt is worth saving. As in putting in effort to try and change their minds or shitty attitudes. Someone replied with something about nukes. I never insinuated anything of the sort. Granted, the entirety of the Bible belt could be hit by tornadoes and the Country would only be out by a can of Skoal, a pack of Marlboro Reds, and the entirety of the incest category on Pornhub.

    Almost every front yard in Tennessee looks like a landfill and in one city, the county was discussing starting a code enforcement program and several people threatened to attack the city council. One guy even mentioned using a tank do do it. You cannot even legislate these people to have a modicum of class. These people are trashy and they aim to stay that way. It’s all they know or care to know.

    I had a coworker bring up the border situation a week ago and I asked him, a guy who could to be “super religious” (his words, not mine) what Jesus would want him to do, and he said, and I quote, “Jesus would want me to help the national guard shoot the ones that are trying to get here illegally.” He and our boss, who is Catholic, got into a very heated debate about that. Guns are their solution to everything here, including the LGBTQ.

    For as bad as you’ve read that it is here in the news and online, it’s actually worse.

  • The fuck are you even taking to me for, then? Hit the bricks. Your opinion is diminishing in value with every reply. I don’t have the time to sit and argue with an SJW with a shitty attitude who has done nothing but strawman me to death with hypotheticals.

    Someone else responded to my initial comment with something about nukes, do you, for some reason, think that was me? I’ve not “condemned” anybody. I think you’ve got me fucked up with somebody else, so take that delightful attitude of yours and direct the vitriol elsewhere.

    And, to be very clear, the South is 99% Christian nationalists, particularly in the Bible belt. Zero percent of them are worth saving. None.

  • “We are a religious state and we are going to fight it to keep that filth out of the state of Oklahoma because we are a Christian state – we are a moral state,”

    Ding, ding, ding…

    There’s your problem, right there. Christians continue to tell us who they plan on attacking next and we, as a society, allow them to continue to be the shittiest human beings on planet Earth, unabated. These people are heavily mentally ill. And they keep… What’s the word they like to use…? “Grooming” kids to make sure the priests and the pastors have a brand new group of idiots for the next generation.

    This has to be stopped. Believing utter bullshit should not be a protected class.

  • And it isn’t your job to defend the shittiest people on the planet, who by the way want you dead just as much as they do me. The difference is you want to defend the South.

    This is an abusive relationship; the first time I get beat is the other person’s fault. Every time after that is mine. I’m simply choosing to leave, and you want to victim shame. Bravo.

    I got jumped in Daytona Beach in 2021. Three dudes in a pickup truck hopped out and beat the fuck out of me because I was wearing a pride bracelet. I was just able to recall enough of the truck to identify it, but because I didn’t get the tag, they never caught the guys. The cops refused to treat it as a hate crime.

    I left, even though I couldn’t afford to do so. So your description of people not being able to leave doesn’t pass the smell test.

    Are there places in the North where I won’t be safe? Of course. I’m not going to Boston. But I’m leaving the South because of the aforementioned abusive relationship analogy.

    Again, I’m in no way obligated to get lynched because other people decide to stay. And believe you me, staying in a place full of people who jerk it at night thinking about killing the LGBTQ is a choice.

  • I’ll put it this way; I’m a gay man, so I’m about as far removed from the abortion issue as anyone can get. But I have a sister and nieces. Call me old-fashioned, but I want them to have rights to do whatever the fuck they want without a crusty old bastard in DC telling them that they can’t. I’ve always said “I don’t have a uterus, so it’s none of my damn business” but since the Christians and their political operatives, the Republicans, have forced my hand, then I feel like it’s my duty to rain on their parade about it.

    That said, the IVF debate, to me, just seems like more of the same from the Christians, whose entire mission statement is to take over the whole of the earth so Jesus can give them a present for being the biggest cunts to ever walk. Instead of making life easier for the exact people who are responsible for bringing life into the world, they attack them while simultaneously getting rid of child labor laws and school lunches.

    This issue was never about being “Pro-Life.” This has always been about Christians wanting to be in control. If this were a “pro-life” movement, Christians would be adopting kids from orphanages and foster care, where they are being abused. But abusing kids is a Christian staple. They mentally and sexually abuse them and have for about 2000 years.

    So when I get a chance to piss in the Cheerios of the right wing Christian propaganda machine, I do it, because frankly, they can all eat shit.