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Joined 15 days ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2024

  • Ah, ACLs, had the pleasure of working with these again last weeks.

    It gets really curious when even the Arch wiki doesn’t really know what’s going on (talking about mask and effective permissions):

    The factual accuracy of this article or section is disputed.

    Reason: The original note about the --mask option (which was taken from setfacl(1)) was determined as inaccurate, but the new note does not seem correct either. See the talk page for details.

    From trying, I can confirm that the info presented further down is wrong.

    Once you read what it actually does and why it’s the way it is, it makes more sense - not that I remember it now - but at least there was a coherent design decision behind it

  • That’s why I wrote about “technology faith”, in contrast to the topic “science faith”, because while I think the dangerous idiot is wrong as always, the related issue (as technology is applied science) exists.

    Regardless, her motive is just to discredit proper scientific methods and results she doesn’t like, while my point was about technology and its limitations that people don’t understand yet think will fix everything.

  • I always find this a little funny… Like I always hear complaints how the FDA is overbearing and stuff

    It’s big corpos who’d love to continue using these additives that launch these claims via proxy into the public. Similar to how McDonald’s made sure people think the US is a country of frivolous lawsuits because they were ordered to cover a woman’s medical costs after a jury found them guilty. Purposeful misrepresentation of facts

  • First off, Candeath Omens can go fuck herself.

    I do think however that there is a weird technology faith in that people believe technology will fix all issues long term or improve or all aspects of our lives. Like when people say AI will fix global warming / climate change… dude, it can’t even properly take orders at a McDonald’s, which is traditionally one of the least qualified jobs. And if you ask an AI how to stop it, it’ll just tell you what we already know, which people haven’t been doing for years. Because that’s what am AI does.

    It’s mostly the people neither actually engineering the technology nor studying the actual issue that believe this. But it’s a huge driver in the discussion.