Her campaign is the political equivalent of guessing $1 on The Price Is Right
Her campaign is the political equivalent of guessing $1 on The Price Is Right
sToOpId bRaYn dEd
Whatever happened to Queen Didi or whatever her name was
You keep saying this, are you having a stroke?
They just snuck that turd in there lol
You make Uncle Roger ancestors cry
It’s a little too coherent imo
There’s a non-zero chance we have already built them
“Feckless cunt” was the phrase I recall
Wow you fucking muppet, answer the question or delete all your comments because you are making a fool of yourself in front of all these nice people
I wouldn’t take that bet tbh
I don’t have an issue with what you posted outside of the small chance that it’s an unnecessary purity test. I don’t think that’s your goal but what do I know
Dude I bet people walk all over you
Balderdash. Poppycock, even.
Yes, well, someone thought differently about how they would answer. Certainly there’s room for that?
Hey that cat is from Ohio
*smarter than Trump